Question about altar and La Santa Muerte

Okay, so I want to start working with La Santa Muerte but I also would like to work with Lucifer and other demons. Would La Santa Muerte mind sharing her altar? I only have one desk that I can use because I have a small room and I have a nephew with ADHD so I can’t put another altar anywhere else in my house without him breaking it.

I’ve heard that she is really picky about who she is willing to share her space with but I don’t have room and I feel like I’ve already made a connection with both La Santa Muerte and Lucifer , I can’t communicate with either yet but I can feel it, and I don’t want to choose one over the other. Please help me!

She does not like nor does she appreciate sharing altar space.

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Ah, I see, thank you! Would she be okay with sharing a room with others though? Like if I somehow make more space in my room,would she be fine if I have another altar in the same room away from her altar?

If you don’t mind me asking, could you tell me more about her? I keep seeing people who are just devotees but they don’t actually work with her and they have more of a “Church-going” kind of idea on her. If that makes sense?

I would like to work with her but so many people have different opinions on her and what she does and can do ,and I just keep getting confused. Thank you so much!

Nice to greet you. I will try to help you a little:
Queen Qalmana, Liluwa, or Queen Coranada de Rosas is known as Santa Muerte.
The Crowned King of Espinas Cayim is known as San La Muerte.

There are 02 different entities in terms of individuality, in themselves they are twin brothers and in the oneness of power they are one, THE LORD AND LADY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, teacher and teacher of all the demons of plant darkness and on their altar only the one complements the other, that is to say in the same place only the image of one or both can be present as uniqueness without the presence of another divinity. You can have in one room a space ONLY FOR THEM, THE SPACE THAT REMAINS AWAY FROM HIS SACRED PLACE can keep veneration to other deities without any problem. On my altar, I summon the sacred lord and the sacred lady and placing the figure of the great emperor and father Lucifer with them does not bring in any way any contraindication, because The Great Lucifer / Samael is the father of both through the conception of the great Queen Lilit. Qalmana daughter of Lilit, Cayin primogenito del Diablo in human flesh. I hope I helped you, for your attention Thank you


Generally, you probably shouldn’t share an altar with multiple deities. The Magick can get interfered with. There are exceptions to that, like if the deity has a close friendly relationship with another, at least from my experience. It’s better to have a separate space away from another altar. What you could probably do is clear off the altar from anything you work with from the other deity, store it, then cleanse the space it was on and do a banishing ritual, Then just reconsecrate everything for whoever you want to work with.

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Ah, thank you!

Ah, thank you very much!