Has anyone evoked or worked with Metatron in any way? I will be working with this entity soon. I have heard mixed results that Metatron is non-angelic. Please share your experiences with Metatron?
Metatron is intense, to say the least. Probably a good idea to build a medium to extensive repertoire with him previous to an actual evocation. Otherwise he will most likely regard you as inferior. If you don’t have the invocation of divinity down, I wouldn’t even bother, imo. Make sure you have the invoking divinity down - and have it down pat. To the point that you do not, for even one single moment, doubt your divinity.
Posts: 696
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03 July 2012, 23:10:09LikeUnlike
Quote@JAPEREZ Metatron is arrogant, bold, wilfull and will challenge you at every turn; he likes to get his way and he will test every boundary you have and question every restriction you place on the job to be done … but he’s damn powerful and utterly reliable - IF he respects you
[quote=“Zoe, post:3, topic:381”]Magician
Posts: 696
Likes: 1572
03 July 2012, 23:10:09LikeUnlike
Quote@JAPEREZ [/quote]
Is this the invocation of divinity?
I call to the Mighty Archangels of Light.
Lord Raphael, Lord Michael, Lord Gabriel and Lord Ariel.
Most holy angels and teachers of light hear my call.
Know that I am a humble servant of god who serves the cause of humankind.
Help me to remember and re-align to my soul purpose and destiny this lifetime.
Open my awareness to rekindle the eternal flame that burns within.
Show me the way to become a knowing participant in the wondrous events taking place on the earth at this time.
I am, I am, I am a beautiful child of light,
I am, I am, I am, the most Holy Spirit of light.
I am, I am, I am eternal in my light.
I ask now for my eternal divine essence to make itself known to me today and always.
Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.
I’m interested in evoking Metatron as well but I want to make sure I’m learning the right invocation. Anyone else had any experiences with Archangel Metatron?
Invocation of omnipotence is what DK was talking about. The exercise from Evoking Eternity, which empowers your evocation ritual.
If you are truly acting as god, the universe will draw the entity to you, and the entity will respect you. That’s what he is referring to. Good luck!
I am actually working an Angelic path right now, using Evoking Eternity as a reference. Metatron is much further along the path, but I am ecstatic about Evoking him. UGH! So good to know that there are Angels out there that do not want you enslaved to serving God, but desire that you connect with Source to claim the power of your godhood.
I have worked with him. He is an angelic being but obviously all angels are actually aliens. Arcturian is what I believe he is.
Um…no. They’re not. Not in my experience, and that of many others.
You are making a generalisation based on your own subjective opinion, and that doesn’t make it fact nor truth.
Are we really arguing semantics about “truths” and facts in regards to “Aliens” and “angels”? LMOA.
I don’t know if you can even place those two concepts in the same sentence without sounding a tad unrealistic and mildly delusional.
Allow me to rephrase:
The experiencer/contactee will see or experience that which is the easiest for you to digest, at least this has been my understanding and personal experience