I’ve been taking another break from practicing lately. Its gotten cold and me and a lot of my friends have come down with winter colds. Resting and keeping my health up has been my top priority during this busy season.
Vassago sent me a message in an otherwise mundane dream last night.
I dreamt that me and a friend were shopping at a thrift store together. However, some things in the store had ridiculously high prices that werent justifiable. Even random, shabby things had high dollar tags.
There was a simple black 8x10 frame on a shelf. In the frame was a matted jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle was completed, and the image was the tarot card of The Tower. The Tower was on fire like a torch, but not destroyed and there were no bodies falling from it. Walking forward from The Tower was the woman from the Strength card. In her right hand, she held aloft a wand that was lit like a torch to light the way. In her left hand, she held a leash. Beside her walked the lion, calm and tamed and on the leash. She walked forward with dignity and strength, like a woman on a mission.
The price tag on the frame was $3,333.33.
Even in the dream, I knew I couldn’t afford it, but I also couldn’t put it back on the shelf. So, I had it in my shopping cart and was walking around trying to figure out what I was going to do. Suddenly, a group of people entered the store to do a viral video, and they told everyone to stop in their tracks. That they would go from cart to cart and, once they find the person with the most expensive items in their cart, they will gift them that to the person. I was certain that nobody had a more expensive cart than mine, and sure enough, I won the challenge.
There was so much symbolism in this dream. The fact that I was confident and so assured that I would win the contest, even though I had no reason to believe that by default.
The fact that the image was, in fact, a finished and framed jigsaw puzzle is a symbol of completion. Time and effort was put into completing the puzzle and it was expertly framed with care. Something that a lot of work has gone into has now been completed. And it was gifted to me.
The tarot image itself is The Tower (Vassago) and the woman (me). The Tower is not destroyed and stands strong and protective behind me in the darkness. It’s flames surround me with light as I journey forward into the darkness with confidence and power. Like a young traveler leaving home for the first time. The torch was lit by the flames of The Tower and now gives my footsteps guidance going forward. The lion is the issue which I brought to The Tower (Vassago) when we made our pact. I now walk away from The Tower with the tamed lion as my docile ally. Victorious.
Today, while ringing up a transaction at work, the total came up to $33.33.
Mighty Prince Vassago, I thank you for all you have done for me.