I’m starting this journal to document my journey. I am very new and want to keep a record of everything that happens on this path of awakening I am taking.
It started just like I imagine it happens for a lot of people. I am currently in a difficult situation that I never expected to be in. I met a man who was going through a legal separation and had filed for divorce. Neither of us were looking to meet someone when we did. We became inseparable over the course of seven months, and the list of our compatibilities was miles long. It felt perfect, like home. We were so happy and had established a timeline for how we would continue to progress our relationship while simultaneously giving him plenty of time on his own to process things post-divorce.
And then the worst happened. His abusive wife pulled a legal stunt in court that got the divorce moved out to the end of the year. It was like he went into panic mode. He agreed to try to reconcile during this expanded time before I knew it. Because he agreed to try reconciliation, the court ended their legal separation until the next court date at the end of the year. He had to end things with me because of that. He withdrew from me quickly. He handled it very badly. I have tried to forgive him for that, because he’s been physically and emotionally beaten down by this woman for years, is avoidant, and is terrified of confrontation.
It’s an awkward situation the whole way around. We are no longer in contact because they’re together and also because he handled things so badly. He hurt me and disrespected me in the process, and we both know this. We have to see each other multiple times a week but we no longer speak.
I obviously want to work things out and eventually be with him. But, even if he never comes back to me, I still feel like I need to do anything I can to help him get free from this woman’s control. She has done some truly horrible things to him. Things that would land a man in jail or with prison time if the roles were reversed. Now she has a chance to manipulate him into dropping the divorce all together.
Early on, I tried a few spells. The lemon break up spell. A break up spell with salt and alcohol. I had a coven perform a combination break up/love spell over the course of several weeks. My own spells had no effect, but I saw a little movement from theirs.
I started therapy at the same time to help myself process. My therapist is amazing, supportive and is a big believer in meditation. Meditation has truly been amazing and has helped me with my anxiety, having more energy, and reconnecting with myself again.
I found an ebook on the Goetic demons not long after I began practicing meditation. It was like a light switch moment. Like I was following a path. I was drawn to learn as much about them as I can.
This forum came up a few weeks later along with the layered love spell. I have decided to try it and will document my results.