Can anyone state what the difference between the two rites are?
I have seen Jehenaum’s but I have not seen Mason’s.
Which is better?
I personally am using a combination of them. and in Vk’s blog he speaks very highly of Asenath’s qliphothic workings.
the difference between the two is that Asenath’s is written in a way to be turned into a set of workings, vs Vk’s is the one chant which I do find powerful.
how I’ve been doing it so far is a break down into a week working on each sphere at least. following the exercises in Asenath’s qliphotic meditaitons books, two days set for evoking and invoking the god/goddess of the sphere, and the last day I use Vk’s chant for the sphere
as for which one is best for you, if you have the money I do suggest picking up her books through here, or the working of the temple of ascending flame, they have a book out about the qliphoth,
if not work through vk’s system, you can always go back, or if it works for you by itself than that is good too
Thank you very much
I have completed sphere one of my initiation
You may walk the path many ways, but without understanding it, you will walk a very treacherous road.
I have used VKJ’s rites and they are very powerful. He does not adequately explain the Qliphoth, however.
It is not his purpose to explain everything well. His personal quest is to make available rites, chants, hymns, and other information to everyone for free, so one does not need to be part of a dogmatic magic order (where you will be brainwashed, hazed, and a pawn in the political agenda of said order: in other words, damaged by), in order to advance as a witch (his term for any practitioner).
Asenath Mason, along with the other members of the Temple of Ascending Flame, do explain the Qliphoth and their Rulers and Forces in great detail.
I am nearly done reading (studying in some cases) the compilation book Tree of Qliphoth compiled by the Temple of Ascending Flame and written by its members. The advice, meditations, rituals, etc., are excellent and support a non-dogmatic, open minded approach to the path. They also include meditation visualization rites which VKJ does not.
Verdict (just mine, not the world’s)
- For understanding the Qliphoth, the work of Asenath Mason is priceless. She has researched her subject, is experienced, takes a balanced view, and writes with great clarity.
- For rituals, use both sources in a way that works best for you.
VK Jehannum in their rituals use chants of various currents (mix) what makes them powerful.
I don’t have a Asenath’s book so I don’t know if they contain sigils for each Qliphothic Spheres. If not, you can find them in other grimoires.