Qlipothic: Invocations and Evocations

Well; I just did my first official invocation of Naamah and am looking forward to the journey and the changes. This is just the beginning.


Nice looking setup you got there.
Keep us posted with the results, I would be very interested to hear of your experiences.


Will do and I think some results are already starting to show. Just a couple of days after invoking her. My body started to become stiff and made it a bit hard for me at work this week. True, while we do invoke these spirits and our consciousness absorbs them, the changes can even effect our bodies as well and spirits can bring pain to the physical body, (as a friend of mine experienced this first hand with Lilith), and I’ve started to doubt that something is out of place in my body because of what I’m experiencing even right now as I type this and especially at work. So, I think it’s safe to say that this is the work of the invocation and not something out of place. I could be wrong but if it is indeed her gnosis then I need to let it run its course. I’m invoking her again tonight. So, we’ll see what happens during the next week.

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I actually just made a similar post askIn if anyone had similar experiences- mine was with King Paimon and like I said in the post there was nothing physical with the evokation- no camels or dragons- he was there- and I was nauseous immediately after and for the rest of morning into the afternoon. Note: the Camels line was in no way a sign of disrespect I was just saying the presence and “hangover” was undeniable. That’s how someone in my post put it- its like a hangover- you’ve put your physical body through an endeavor even on another plane of consciousness.

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One other thing- that is a very nice set up as previously said- I too was fortunate enough to receive the Samael and Lilith statue on the left but is that a BALG product from a previous release or something on the right?

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No, the statue on the right is one of Lilith that I bought from Amazon. It’s mainly made for like Wicca but it was the only one that I could find resembling the best of her and it has worked well for me.

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Hey guys; a quick update for ya in case you wondered as to what has happened so far. I’ve continued to Invoke Naamah and was going to tonight but my intuition told me to wait and rest up this week as well as meditate on my three main chakras that Lilith wants me to open. My root, heart, and third eye/Ajna. I think one of the reasons for this is because at the ending of this week I’ll be Invoking Naamah every night as I’ll be on break from work for the next week and a half.

One thing that I can tell you what happened though was several nights ago before going to bed. I had an open mind vision of Naamah. I first saw a vision of me surrounded by my friends and they were saying things that made me angry or something like that and I saw myself screaming at the top of my lungs but no noise coming out. Then, the scenery shattered like mirror glass and fell out of sight and I saw nothing but darkness. I then saw the Gate of Lady Naamah, (Which is similar to the sigil in the picture), and found myself going through it. I then saw Naamah and heard her speak in my mind, (though I think it was more of my intuition telling me then her), saying that I should Evoke her on the night of the 28th this month. Not to sure as to why since the full moon won’t be for another few days after that date. I think it’s because I’ll be Invoking her for like 5 or 6 nights in a row. Probably because I might be doing it 6 and the 7th to Evoke her since it would be a whole week.

When we get there I’ll let you all know. Later!

So, I think I’m getting closer to seeing Naamah’s world in my dreams. Last night, while keeping the Qliphothic Star close to me, I had a dream that I was in a forest surrounded by animals. Purtically; foxes and I think I heard birds and I think I was like hiking or something. I was walking back to my car when I heard something behind me and looked and lo and behold. I saw a wolf. The wolf is one of my two Celtic Zodiacs with the other being the Owl, and wolves are said to be part of Naamah’s kingdom, via werewolf but this was just an ordinary wolf except for one different feature. Call me coco but this wolf had horns on it and a feared for my life. When it charged at me since trying to outrun it wasn’t an option. I grabbed it by the horns and dragged it back to my car until I had the opportunity to get in without it trying to kill me. After opening the door though one of the foxes got in my car and with the door open and a small hill next to it. I tossed the wolf down it that would distract it just enough to get in my car and after that I woke up with a small numbness in my body. I think it’s safe to say that the star is most certainly active after invoking Naamah for 6 nights straight and evoking her on the 7th.

Nothing really happened during the evocation but my intuition told me a few things. I’m taking a small break right now and will be calling on Lilith tomorrow night for the full moon for a special rite. I’ll let you guys know how it went afterwords. BTW; I’m not invoking her through the Qlipoth since I’m not there yet but through a special rite from a book anthology on her.


Stupid question : What are the results of this ritual? Money, love ?
I am new and I am trying to understand

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this is toddb dotson of lewiston idaho can i invoke and evoke lilith and naamah