So manifestations are already occurring. I’ve just got done talking to some old friends. They’ve changed. They’re… Just not the same. One wants to die and the rest have practically turned to nothing. Wasted time and potential. I told them: " it doesn’t matter how you fall, what matters is how you rise above it. There’s a warrior in you, find it." All I got in return was “nothing to rise to” “I don’t care” “people treat me like shit”. I felt this pure rage fill me and exert itself upon them. I told them “the only reason you’re treated this way is because you let them treat you like this. You not caring is exactly the problem. You stopped caring about yourself. I expected more from you. But you’re not me. I cast nothing aside and I fight I won’t stop until I’ve exaughsted every fiber and grain of my being. Goodbye.” With that I’ve cut them off. I received a message after this,
“One by one they will fall, the walls. The warrior shall emerge. When all unite, only then will true power be born.”