Q&A with Source (7 Questions only) (Closed now)

I Soul Traveled to Source and am sitting here chillin. 7 questions only, lets go. First come, first Serve:


What is my purpose in this incarnation?


Name my secret godform

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Is my goal that I’ve been working so hard towards going to be realized soon?

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Your purpose is to share knowledge and teach magic and the arts of Warfare. Do this through art and illustation.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Imbue them with the intent you wish to transfer to others and when they look upon it, they will recieve the understanding



I sent my question in yo pm’s



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What advice is there for me

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What is the end of my current path?

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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What specific path do I follow?

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@That1Gurl yes. All things will be reached when you have power. And you do have it. Continue to work. I will move things in alignment for you


Thank you love!!!

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I am within you; I am you. Practice accessing and attaining my Power. It floes in you already.

People have mistreated you through out your life. You have the choice to transcend the hurt or use it to execute revenge. The path to Power is the path inbetween.

Have you revenge by doing something they cannot…Become me.

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@Jac_DeVinna lol first he said,
“The path of Least resistance” :joy::joy:

Then he said,
The Left hand path; Black Magic; the Path of Smoke; Ahrimanianism;


I was fearing that was too generic a question and warranted a sarcastic response. Thank you for the answer.

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@Anziel_Merkaba The Ocean of The Eternal. A sea of Light and power.
You will be working with the Angels.

Evoke them more and More often

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Butts or boobs?

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I am Eternal. I am Source. I created butts and boobs so I can have both. And neither matter to me


I think thats way more then 7 questions :joy::joy::joy:

Im about to leave him guys




thunder cracks