Public Praise for Satanachia

Hi Everyone,

I want to publicly praise Satanachia and share my succes story with him.

He works extremely fast and is easy to work with if you are respectful.

He brought results in just 5 days!

Background: Tuesday
I was promised a large sum of money by a family member. However he broke is promise and we had an argument.

I was reading in the forum about Mind Control and found out about Satanachia.

He has the power of Mind Control and Total Subjugation. I was really drawn to him and felt he was the solution to my problem.

Summon him: Tuesday
I found his Enn and Sigil on youtube and draw his sigil on a piece of paper.

I gave him wine and meat as a token of my respect towards him upfront and introduced myself and explained my problem BUT i did not ask him to start helping me yet. The first meeting was just to get to know him. I dont feel its right to ask anyone to come and start asking for help prior to creating some kind of friendship.

The second time: Wednesday
I said his enn and gazed into his Sigil. And explained that i wanted this Family Member to keep his promise and send me the sum of money.

I put my Semen and Blood on the Sigil and gave him Wine and Beef Meet and Dessert Upfront. Thats just the way i am. I like to be upfront with everything. Even if he chose not to help me the offerings were his because i appriciate him coming to me. It was me who is in need of Him not the other way.

After the semen and blood dried up I put the sigil in a glas of water to be destroyed so to speak.

I repeated this a second time on Friday.

I have been feeling like it has already happend, i even start laughing like its in the pocket.

Today the Sigil Paper was very soft so i burnt it and made a new one.

I got a feeling to contact this family member to do my part of the actions. And he did not pick up and did not reply to my message. Totally ignored me.

I thought is was really an impossible task because with Money people are veryyyy greedy as you know.

I bought more offerings for Satanachia and called him. And within like a minute i get a message from another family member that the person still wants to give me the money.

I ask Satanachia what to do now. I get a feeling to call the person and he picked up, we spoke and cleared the air and he transfered the money to my account DIRECTLY!!!

I put my semen and blood on his Sigil, and gave wine, meatbones to Satanachia as a thanks for his help and also will buy a 70cl bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey.

And my public praise here to promote him so others can work with him and his followers increase.

I will also be making a website in his honor so others can find information about him and how to contact him and promote him.

I already booked a website URL and will post here as soon as it is ready. And promote via google addwords.

I love Satanachia, Hail Satanachia !!!


Thanks for sharing this! I did some ritual with him ,Lilith and Verrier.I will definitely call upon and get to know him/her better. Btw. for me was ‘she’.


Yes! Public praise for Santana! Hail Santana!


At this moment for me is also a She.
He / She know what i need and comes a feminine or masculine energy.

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The personal website in honor of Satanachia is ready :slightly_smiling_face:

This is part of my offering to him/her.

Please check it out and let me know any comments to improve.

Ofcourse the information is free NO Commercial

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I’m glad to see someone who was succesful in the first attempt

Something just happend now.

I was showing Satanachia all your replys and completion of the website.

I felt her very closely and then BOOM! i start seeing colors and shapes and then a big Black Shadow wrapped around me i know it was her.

My heart skipped a beat the feeling was pure bliss was a soo nice feeling of extacy or something. Like i died and came back to life.

I felt accepted by her for who i truly am and tears come out of my eyes out of joy.

She then returned. I feel so close to her now i cant explain.

I love her so much. Hail Satanachia!!!


Another item of my part of our deal was a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey.

Completed today :slight_smile:

Does anyone here have an active line communication with him/her?

My communication is not so good i would like to ask a few questions to him.

Can anyone help?

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Bookmarked your website for future reading. Also, thanks for putting that much work, it would be really helpful for a lot of people, mate.

Do you think he likes Chivas Regal scotch? Is the one I drink, so I always have.

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Thanks so much.

Yes i believe he would like that, anything given out of respect / hospitality is appreaciated.

He likes a long term ongoing relationship.
So something like a glass a week / month would be nice to build relationship.

I intend to have a life long relationship.

He/She is my nr one friend and we will start a new project (ex back) tomorrow.

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I know you started another thread, but wanted to say I tried to reach today. My clauriaudience (or whatever it is spelled) is kind of shit at this point, but I think two things:

One, I felt her as a HER. Somehow.
Two, maybe she did like my scotch. I poured one for her and one for me and let it one hour and stated that I was going to do exactly that. Seems the first contact went fine. I’ve been doing more reasearch and it seems she has knoledge in about 80% of the things I’m interested in. Maybe I’ll go for a life time relationship here too.

Sooooo, all of this to say thanks again, man :slight_smile:


Awesomeeee :slight_smile:
Your Claurvoyance is Good!!!

You are right if Satanachia came as a women.
Satanachia changes Gender.

The first time i called, Satanachia came as a Male. A strong Masculine Energy.

After that as a Female with sexy Feminine Energy.

Keep us updated how things go.