I’ve been working with Lilith and she has instructed me to create my own Linking sigil. Done!
She told me to put it in a rehearsal room. This room has up to 40 ppl at a time practicing piano, cello, ballet etc. Done!
She told me to put the main sigil on my shrine / alter to power my crystals. Done!
She told me the energy from the rehearsal rooms can be used to power my Money Crystal Grids / shrine.
Great. Fantastic.
But, how? What do I do now? Do I have to collect the energy from my sigil? Do I open it and empty out the energy when I need to use it?
So far I’ve placed the sigil on my crystals, but I’m not sure if that’s enough.
Should I call on tthose linking sigils whenever I need the energy, do I visualise them sucking in energy or do u think its working on autopilot.
Thanks in advance.
And all hail Lillith!!! She sent me here