Pronunciation of names

Hi all, anyone else ever wonder if they are pronouncing the name of the particular demon they are working with correctly?
Take Belial for example. I used to think it was bell -e-all but I then get this thought running through my head that no, it’s actually pronounced bee-lee-all.
Anyone else?


I’ve also wondered about that. Whether you pronounce Vine and Bune as just that, or Vinè, and Bunè with an ‘eh’ at the end. I’ve also been pronouncing Belial as Bell-ee-all, but I feel more drawn to Beel-ee-all, like something is telling me that’s how it’s supposed to be. Reading both out loud, and I feel more drawn to the latter. I’ll wait for other responses since I’m curious too.

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I had the same thing happen with King Paimon.
Always thought of it as king pie-mawn.

After a ritual in which i repeated his enn, i got the urge to pronounce his name pay-moan. Ever since, thats how i say it aloud


That’s very interesting because the great king told me, and others on the forum, that the pronunciation of his name doesn’t matter. Whether you say “pay-mon” or “pie-mon,” he will show up just the same.

One former member of this forum used to refer to Belial as “Belly-Aisle,” and it would make the great demon laugh. I have always pronounced it “Bell-Isle.”


Hmmm, then my pronunciation could just be me being weird as usual.

Hm, i always thought of Belial’s pronunciation as beh-lyle


I think we humans worry too much about pronunciation of the names sometimes. If you are using the proper sigil to connect with the demon, then I don’t think it really matters. It might matter more if you are only trying to connect through the name, but even then, I think the demon would correct you if you were wrong.


When I was a newer noob, my spirit companions name was given to me, though the spelling was mangled. After making contact for a few days, I got subtle cues reinforcing a specific pronunciation. I do believe you are correct on that point, as well as the fact that we worry too much.

I think that just as with anything else magickally it depends on your intent. Going with that, i think it is possible to know a spirit’s attributes/lore/character, and butcher or get the wrong name, and still get the spirit you are intending? There’s not specific experience backing that claim up however.


I always pronounced Belial as “Bell-eye-all”. Vine as “Vine”. Bune as “boon-eh”. And Paimon as “Pie-mon”.

But, I don’t believe that it particularly matters. In Catholic theology (I used to be Catholic) the Saints in heaven possess a kind of telepathy because they have fully realized souls and not souls bound by sin and death. As fully realized souls they don’t even need you to say their name, they possess preternatural knowledge of your thoughts the moment you think of them.

I generally think the same thing about how we evoke spirits, be they angels, demons, or what have you. So, pronunciation isn’t important, only that they’re on your mind. In my opinion.


I always pronounced King Paimon’s name as “Pay-Man,” but then I heard EA, in the evocation course, pronounce it “Pie-Mon,” so I got confused as to the “proper” pronunciation so I called him up and asked and he said it doesn’t matter. That’s pretty much when I ceased to worry about it.

The only names I sometimes get confused about pronouncing are some of the lesser known angel names because they don’t really sound right if pronounced phonetically, and i have had to do some Googlemancy to help.


I always pronounced it as “bell-lee-all”. I’ve also heard people say or type things similar to “bell-all”, “bell-eh-ale”, “bal-all”, “beh-lay-all” and so on. I don’t think it really matters, go with what feels right or what the spirit tells you. Some entities have names that are not very pronounceable (like Cthulhu) it has pronouciations different in thier native language that English speakers don’t use (i.e, Odin is technically spelled “Óðinn” in Old Norse which is pronounced more like “oh-thin”)

On a side note be sure when pronunciation matters. There are rare cases where two spirits will have very similar names.


That’s pretty much what he gave me, logged it in here: My "Belial Files" : 2017 Update - #5 by Lady_Eva.

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