Practicing LHP black magick and mental problems:Bad idea or not?

Guys man. You are not helping @TenebrisDominusNadir with that.

Dude if you feel depressed then find a positive experience from an activity (A hobby :smile:) Saying I will do it another time isnā€™t a day of the week mush! Happiness isnā€™t something that just happens.

BTW be careful of black magic when depressed as you will feel empowered and feel psudo-happiness and gratification. This is a trap and you will be tempted to balls deep to feel empowered.

A negative action against an outside entity will rebound the concecuence consequences

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FFS i hit send by accident lol.

A negative action against an outside entity will rebound the consequences back three fold. Most can live with two of them but the third you will only notice while being weighed. First is guilt for taking such action, second is shame. Third is the worst and I wont say as this is your journey. Just try to think that you are playing about with the ether against someone who is also yourself! At the end of all things all you have done is hurt oneness, so you will have to answer to them, myself, and all. Organised religion has changed truth to serve a selfish will. ā€œDo as to others as you would like to be done to youā€ is all I will say. Please solve this riddle x

If you want to find love then first love yourself. Like attracts like. message me if you like :slight_smile: but be cool and donā€™t take shit!

I think its whom you feel is " special " to your drawn to attracted to.
Ive heard Beings talk to me have ehen i wasnā€™t an occultist but in that sleep /awake state. I have heard my name called throughout my life. Its the little things I think its just something you senseā€¦ like a longing if your longing to make contact chances are that the other being has initiated contact & is waiting for you so just do it

Dragon tarot hmm nice one.

Donā€™t worry, I know that trap and it can apply to just about anything. Money, sex, popularity, these are all good and even great things and can make one feel really good for awhile but satisfaction is the true root of happiness. I am in therapy, so I am not going at this alone with nothing but magick to go by. I have no intention of hurting another outside of self-defense. Personal empowerment is my singular goal with magick and I was taught to live by the Golden Rule, which even applies to spirits in my book.

I truly do feel a connection to Lilith. I feel safe with Her, despite Her bad reputation among the Abrahamics. Also, I feel drawn to the Melek Taus aspect of Lucifer. I have an altar decorated in a peacock motif in His honor. I even chose my avatar on here based on its resemblance to Him. I was called by Satan as a child. I heard it quite clearly. I was standing near my mother and she heard nothing at all. It was directed toward me and me only. Not sure which spirit bearing the title it was, but it was a deep, raspy masculine voice. Belial maybe? It frightened me at the time (keep in mind I was only about four years old) but the me of now is honored. Even though Iā€™ve been lost and wandering for decades, I feel the Infernal Majesties chose me and have brought back upon the path I was always meant to walk down.

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Dark Blessings.
Yes if You feel drawn ir a connection then persue whom you feel ā€œattractedā€ to.
Thats what I have been doing