Practice Reading Akashic Records…

That’s not the format in which he accesses his money.

But thanks for playing! lol.

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She does not have a message. As for how she may help with money, put forth your best efforts at work and find out. Many people want an answer before putting in an effort. If you call on her to help, trust her. If you question too closely her means and methods it could be interpreted as a lack of trust. Wait and see.

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Hi! Is there any spirit, entity, genie, angel or demon that would like to be my patron? Who should I establish a relationship with in order to get patronage. Perhaps there is information about the name or sigil. Tnks!

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@BafametX Abaddon. I have a Pathworking. From Beelzebub and refined by Abaddon. Use it. It works.

Abaddon- He speaks in a low gravelly voice.

A vast ocean of black choppy waters with a burnt orange sky and a sense of foreboding.

A huge black cave on a hillside, with skeletons scattered near the mouth.

A black wolf circles a wounded reindeer.

Two large blood red eyes reflecting fire in the darkness

Draw the sigil, Chant the Enn, call and invoke. Internal vision. Es na ayer Abaddon avage.


Can I use this sigil to call him? I didn’t find any information about his Ann.
Es na ayer Abaddon avage?
To be honest, I’m impressed with this choice.
Has he been my patron all my life, or should I work with him in order to win his patronage?
Really unexpected.
It is quite rare for calls.


In this regard, I am uncertain. Use the Sigil you provided and the Enn.

The enn can be found here-

There are several different sigils of Abaddon-

Use whatever resonates most. The one that calls to you is the correct one.



Who are the spirits that will not leave me alone?


Barbatel and Ashrax. They are lesser demons tasked with harassment. They enjoy causing minor difficulties and mental anguish and anxiety. Barbatel specializes in frustrations and Ashrax specializes in rage. Together they work on exasperating you and driving your rage and frustration and anxiety.

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Hi, Any message from any goetic demons for me? Many thanks

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thank you, do you know if there is any way I can find any information on them I can’t seem to find anything online


There isn’t any. This is simply their names. They are largely unknown. You’ll have to talk to them and work it out.

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Belial says-
“Stop dreaming of me and start actually working with me. Stop playing. Embrace the black serpent or leave. No halfway measures.”


Oh wow he mad asf hahaa and i know why lmao . Thanks


@mrdarcy Please keep all posts in English. It is the common language used here and helps to facilitate moderation. Any posts in another language will be removed.

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I evoked Pazuzu for a curse. Also sent Dra’talon over the same target. Pazuzu felt he refused. Dra’talon was moderately eager. Curse still hasn’t worked. Can you suggest which spirit I should evoke, who will be ready to perform my curse

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Glasyo-Labalas. Hands down.

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Hello! Do you have a spirit message for me? Be Asmodeus, Lucifer, Beleth, Dantalion, Zepar or Gremory?

Post lex which spirits are are willing to work with me?

I would really like to know if there are any spirits/entities/angels/demons, etc. that are currently with me/guiding me at the moment. And if any of them have a message.

Also, if you can tell me if my sister, Kelli, is okay and if she is around me at all. She passed away November 2022 and am always asking for a sign from her, but never see any.

Thank you so much in advance it would really mean a lot to me to get this anwered.

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Are there any messages for me now from Belial or other spirits?

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