Practice Reading Akashic Records…

Hey, what does my love life look like for the future? And what is the best magickal system for me to practice personally. Thank you.

Does king Belial have a message for me if Yes what does he have to say?

Does Hekate like me? Also is she helping me open my astral senses?

Hi, does prince sitri have a message for me ?

Yes, I would be glad to answer your questions!

The records are open-

It seems to me the best type of magick that would suit you best is- Direct energetic magick with a light ritual emphasis just to keep you somewhat out of your head and grounded in the process. I have technique recommendations-

  1. On the basis of the principles we see in electricity- in the ritual space when raising energy, in whatever way you choose to do so, do NOT be grounded in the process. Otherwise everything you build just returns to ground. I can’t understand people who do this. You want to build an abundance of energy- this is like building static electricity in a balloon by rubbing it on the head- do not have any energetically grounded contact while raising energy. In this way energy is accumulated around you and you shape it with intent. THEN when you wish to activate the intent, you extend that energy outward toward its goal and see it making the transfer through like an energetic spark and flash when it “contacts” the target, and feel the release and exchange of energy. And then you walk away, because the transfer is complete. This is a general principle. Build it up- “ground it” via transference into that which represents the person or the goal.

As for who the collaborators should be- follow your own inclinations. Usually attraction is a sign of a call. Follow that for starters.

  1. Spirits are always watching us, whether Djinn or fae or Demons or angels or aliens. Some of which are and are not spirits, in actuality.

  2. Let me give you another hint- regardless of WHO you call on to work with, do it with a KNOWING they are present even if you see and feel absolutely nothing. Just believe it. Eventually they will manifest. I know a man who went 8 months petitioning Lilith and felt and saw nothing like a stone. A particular Djinniya girl was recommended to me by name, and I recommended he call on that name. All he did was approach her with naive belief and lilac incense. Now, he feels touches and the weight of presence and can communicate through physical tapping, hand squeezing etc. he still has a lot of psychic development to go through, but feeling was his strong suit. The Silat Djinniya was kind and so she obliges him in the way she can. Point being, just because you swear you suck in one area, it can be simply a case of just moving on to the right person.

As far as spirits who come to mind who stick their neck out to have a word for you- no. You don’t have much to offer to impress them in that way yet, so it’s not like there’s a line around the block. HOWEVER- you can get there. You may want to look into non-Luciferian Draconic Magick as well.

  1. Another distinction- you may have wondered the difference between Pathworking and evocation- to put it bluntly, evocation is the attempt to get the spirit to appear to you with a physical manifestation either of itself or the effects of its presence. So you bring it to your level of consciousness. In a sense, you get them to descend to you. Pathworking is the process whereby YOU go to them and change YOUR level of consciousness through certain mental patterns and imagery. I find Pathworking is more respectful and doesn’t need to be entirely mental. Best results I had were Pathworking to several different entities and asking for their combined collaboration and offering them an energetic token of myself and another in a ritual context. It was a fairly overcharged scenario that more than exceeded my expectations. Yet it wasn’t evocation in any traditional sense.

This should put you on the path. Or at least give some advice.

In answer to the question- is this person on the right track-

Yes but there is an erratic and daring element that may need some reigning in and more structure. Organize your thoughts and take a methodical approach.

There is a snake and a hooded figure about you. Seems like some djinn, probably Ifrit or Shaiteen.

Working in your favor? Mostly I see djinn and some earth spirits. But there is anger and confusion too. And a sense of loss and being wronged. The desire for vengeance and vindication. Be cautious of your emotions, don’t lose control. Don’t do anything stupid.

Will justice be served? That’s hard to say- are you serving justice? Why would it serve you if you don’t serve it? Consider your actions in light of justice and ask if you truly deserve it. Or perhaps justice for you is to accept blame. We shall have to see in this regard! It isn’t clear to me you are innocent or guilty. It seems complicated.

There are no spirits inclined to work with you as you are right now- because as you are is not seen as serious. Take time to reflect and think of what you want to accomplish, who you want to accomplish it with, then take a shower and make a commitment and then ask for it to be revealed. You may find the results interesting.


For the future it is better for you to be single for a time. If you wish to build a magickal self, you need undistracted energy and focus. Or a totally committed partner with the same goal. Unlikely. So single adult it is.

For the path- I say follow what your heart desires and you will eventually arrive where you need to be. I generally recommend people practice with Djinn, Fae, Angels and Elementals and gradually work their way up to demons because of the risk of psychological manipulation. But do as thou wilt!


He does, but it will not come through me. You must ask him yourself.

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Let’s see - Hekate- Soteria and Drakaina, Phosphorus- do you have words for this person?

“Only these words which I have told them before- Seek and you shall find. Come after me with a pure heart and dedication, devotion and fearlessness. You will find that I am compassionate, but not soft. Loving, but not warm. Affectionate, but cold. These are not dichotomies put in place to torment you. These are the traits of the goddess who does not belong to your political convictions of light vs darkness, angels vs demons. I am the mother of both and I mother both. I am the world soul and the personified force of the laws which govern all. I am the space between stars and atoms and also the womb birthing all things. Goddess- but created goddess. Impregnated from beyond by the One beyond being. Therefore- do not fear me. Know me. Speak with me. As they have said of me in the past- I am kindly. I can be feminine and womanly, I can be a towering fortress of obsidian spears. I can be the masculine Amazonian, I can be the feminine languishing on the couch. But I have no need of any of you. Yet I desire to work with you for I love you as a mother loves her children. Yet I do not condone all the acts of all my children- yet as the scripture says- “He causes his rain to fall upon the just and the unjust” and I am the sky and the rain cloud and the water and the earth. I am as present as the womb is present to the child within it. And all of the worlds of worlds are my children. Call upon me directly and so will guide you directly. This is a fact. If you do not doubt it, the guidance will not be doubtful. But you know this…you feel it even now in the words making their way into your eyes off the screen. You can believe me. All who find me believe in me. Trust me.”

That’s what mother says.


“Why do you waste your time with questions when you could be putting blood on my Sigil?!”

That’s what he is saying, lol. Seems about right.

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Hi there, May I have one oportunity?. I want to know about my life, in general each can I remember, I had bad luck, Diseases, not love of my parents, pain, suffering, humilliation, abandonmet, and loneliness. Why?. Was I a bad person in another lifelines?. Why should I do?. It hurts every time I thinks in it.

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Been thinking about this entity frm a long time
Was meditating and saw a hooded figure with green :green_heart: aura I believe that was Big man Belial

Hi @Post_lux_tenebrae ,I would be grateful if you could answer this question.
Do I have to learn soul travel alone or will Naamah and Lilith help me by possessing me? Thank you in advance.

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Hi… I called Belial for some questions, does he have a message for me?

Bruh this guy… refused a candle and incense as a offering hahah cause he saw me giving blood to belial so he wants some of that i tell u :skull: … Thanks

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Whatever happened, it happened because you chose it in each life. The question is why would you choose it. Possibly you had some connections to some pretty horrible activity in the based and you were seeking to balance the scales, finally.

Lmao this is one of the most hilarious channeling I have ever read :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Learn this by asking them. Have you even sought this favor from them yourself yet?

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You should ask him. Him and I are not on the same wavelength at the moment, lol. Or perhaps in me rejecting him- we are. Both choosing to be without a master. :slight_smile:

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Well,I asked them before, but my claires are not open and my only way of communication is through dreams, which I also forget due to extreme stress. anyway, last night they introduced Duchess Gremory to me and now if you are still practicing I have one more question if you don’t mind.
Does Duchess Gremory have a message for me?and how will the duchess help me with money?

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