I don’t know about you guys but my Personal Message thingy fills up really quick, and at first I was having to go back through like 20 pages of inbox/sent stuff to selectively prune things out to make space, because some of it I either want to keep because it taught me something, or because it’s stuff that people ask me about a lot that I can copy-paste for someone else etc., also it helps me keep track of who I speak to, and about what.
Anyway yesterday I realised, if I go back to the oldest page shown, in my case it seemed to be 19, saved that page as a complete web-page, with a number (I indexed them starting at “001” for the oldest page, which had greetings from a few people and some nice messages) and then deleted that by selecting the box at the top to take out all those messages, it would then show page 18 as the final page, so I repeated the process - naming that “002” etc.
I saved those into one folder on my computer, and my sent PM Pages into a seperate folder, so they’re now webpages in my hard-drive I can search to find stuff.
Apologies if this is a little off-beat (or just really bloody obvious to everyone but me so far!) but someone just said to me in a PM their inbox was getting pretty full, which made me think others here might have the same issue, and this way you don’t have to lose things - and it’s quick.
It works so well because below the list of PMs on each page, the full messages are saved, which is great. Oh, and you can auto-select to save all Sent messages by clicking on Change Settings, which is under Preferences.
Just sharing fwiw, and I’m now annoyed I ever deleted anything, because I’ve had some really cool PMs since I joined! :o)
If you do this, saving the page to your computer, does it function like being on the actual website?
As in, if I click a conversation, will it display it? Or does each and every conversation need to be saved as well?
Actually I guess I’ll just test and find out…
Just tried and it didn’t work…[/quote]
The individual links to the posts saved should all work, they’ll be lower down the same page and your computer should replace the domain of this site in those links with something like file:///C:/Users/YOUR_COMPUTER/FOLDER_NAME/PAGE_NUMBER.html#msgNUMBER - everything in capitals being dependent on what you call folders, drives, etc on your computer.
The Quote & Reply functions on each message will remain working, in other words those links won’t replace what was there for real with new address paths allocated by your computer when you save the page.
Probably best to “try it and see” though because I’m not a technical wizard :o) and this may be different on different operating systems or whatever.
Oh, right - well all the messages on that page should be stored beloiw the index if you scroll down, that’s what makes saving PM pages as html pages on here is good compared to some other forum software, for example on SA you can only save PMs as CSV files which isn’t as helpful.
So for that message in the screencap, it should be further down the page?
Edit to add, I think I see what you mean - what OS is that computer using? I’m still on W7 & use Firefox, and my settings for PMs displayed etc are the default ones. I don’t know if that makes a difference?
And has anyone else run into this problem trying to save PMs?
Illustrious, and anyone else having this problem, I think I have this sussed - sorry it took so long.
Go to “Messages” in the link above then “Change Settings” on the left then check the top option, “Display personal messages” is selected to “One at a time” and NOT “As a conversation.”
That should change the display to long lists of PMs at the top and the full bodies of them below.
I had “One at a time” as my default for absolutely ages, and only when I reset it recently did I realise.