Powerful quimbanda love spell

I have done a lot of love work from Quimbanda for my clients, so I decided to give a spell for you to do this spell is made to pombagira maria mulambo, and it’s very powerful I have seen clients of mine who have results in 7 days

materials: wax head of the sex you want to bewitch (sells at religious goods stores) honey 7 red candles 7 cigarettes 1 bottle of champagne 1 bottle of alcohol 1 intimate piece of yours wish powder, love powder (also sells at religious goods stores) 1 chicken (optional, but I have seen powerful results when using animal sacrifice 1 beef heart if it is a man, or 1 cow heart if it is a woman Cassava flour 3 pots (preferably clay) 7 roses 2 bowls

how to make : you will draw the pombagira’s streaked point with chalk (photo below) and light 7 candles around the point forming a circle, you will pour champagne and alcohol around it, take your underwear and write the name of the person who you wish 7 times, while mentalizing it, after that you will put the powders inside your intimate piece, you will knit 7, and you put the intimate piece into the ox and cow heart through the larger vein, you opened the wax head and put the heart carefully, and will fill your head and heart with honey while you think of the person you want. after that, you will take the cassava flour and put it in a pot and mix it with honey with your hands, then put the wax head on top of this mixture with 7 cigarettes around it and 7 roses around it. in the other pot you will sacrifice the chicken and put the blood in that pot together with alcohol. after that, you will fill 1 glass with alcohol and another glass with champagne. and he will say ‘’ pomba gira maria mulambo that person XXXX stay at my feet, wish me madly and be mine alone, in exchange I offer you this offering ‘’ after that, you will take 3 steps back, and go away


I have no doubt that this works just reading it literally spoke to me. Thanks for sharing.

My problem with so many spells though is that you need to have a particular person in mind. I just have an idea of the type of personality of the person I want in my mind. Any spells to just attract new compatible love?


Yes, gonna send You a message

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pomba gira seal that you will draw with chalk

strong text


Same question. Is there any spell that attracts new love with the traits I desire? I don’t have anyone in mind in particular.

yes, gonna send you a message

I have a question regarding the spell, do you knit the underwear to the heart?

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Welcome @Dev_Connors It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON ME and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:

Interesting. I started a working relationship with the Pomba Gira months ago and we’re working through some self-love and self-recognition issues I have. I’m wondering if there’s a spell or some kind of structured working I can do with the Pomba Gira for assisting me with improving my self-esteem and self-image?


i sent you a message


yes, inside

Would you be able to perform this for someone, it’s going to be difficult to sacrifice a chicken in my apartment

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Please send me a message.
I need your help.

Welcome @theLord It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


Pm me please

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