Power sensing topic

Sorry dude … I tried to return readings for a few folks but couldn’t pick up shit. My mind seems like a shook snowglobe right now.

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Thats alright man, no sweat. I have two other readings to do before I get to you, however

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Can you scan me?

If it really means that much to you to read me, however, how about you and I do it together, and I can try and walk you through calming. Today wouldn’t be a good day to try lol. Someone saw my eyes red with anger and felt fire around me.


Right on. I would like that … Just let me know.

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Sure. Still new at this though.

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Does tomorrow work, brother? We can PM and set something up

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@Micah, can you read me?

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@GhostGuest … I tried you as a blind test.
What I saw as images formed, a dog morphing into a cat, then a hybrid. A person drowns in something and becomes a spot with a bunch of legs or rays, which can be at least an amoeba or something at most like a star; though it could have been a sense of someone shot and seeing the blood/paint spot on the nearby surface.
I am not sure how to interpret, but can add one thing … The dog cat thing was a yellow and white mix or pattern of color, while the person and result, flew by so fast I didn’t get the colors.
Keep in mind these could have been images from my mind for some reason, though I concentrated on your name for a good minute or two, and that’s what appeared in my mind. In other words, don’t let my images be disturbing to you.

Yeah, works fine by me. I spent most of my day trying to line up housing back in Michigan, tomorrow I have to call virginia and Michigan resources about medical stuff and insurance.
Past that … Which should be early afternoon, I will most likely be free.

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@Fuego1, can u read me?

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Perfect, I’ll message you after class tomorrow then

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@KingOfHearts616 … Coolio … Thanks dude :slight_smile:
@A.Lucifer, I will try.


Ok, thanks.)

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I see a Garden @A.Lucifer that is blossoming in the sunset.

Pink roses crawl along the bushes and the sun sends joy and happiness across the land.

The pink rose slowly withers due to too much heat. Soon the whole garden is on fire and burning with no hope of being sated. Then Land feels the heat of the black sun and is turned into a Nuclear wasteland. Thorns replace bushes, amd misery replaces happiness.

No one is anywhere in sight. I see phantoms along the horizon flashing in and out but never moving closer. The further you move across the blackened desert the more the desert seems to move backwards. Thus it exhausts you and tires you out.

It is a cold atmosphere of no hope and the water here is poison.

Life (the Sun) can and has done this to you. Its almost as if Black Magic is your Last hope in life and it doesnt seem to be working like you thought.
The way of transcendance is to not curse the Sun for its heat, but to meditate upon it for its strength and Power. Only then will you truly forsake hope and the old trappings of your ancestors and Ascend.


Damn. Thats actually pretty deep :thinking:
Can you read me @A.Lucifer


Anybody wanna give me poke :face_with_monocle:


Sorry dude. Apparently one person is my limit right now. Picked up a whole Lotta nothing.

That was fucking weird. I looked at your name, heard Azazel and heard something else that I’ll pm you


@Micah, that was a really deep one. Seems to apply to Mr, or feels that way. I will have to do that meditation as well.

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