Power sensing topic

First thing in the morning, I promise you. I’m a little drinky and I gotta be up for work in 5 hours unfortunately

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That’s alright, I completely understand. I work five to six days a week.

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I would really like a reading please guys

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Art of War is an awesome read. Love it


Art of War is a great read … @KingOfHearts616 … Check out Musashi as well … The Book of Five Rings.


Who wants to poke me and say hi to my “passenger”? :smile:

Also, I’ll be doing readings when I get home. Who wants one?

I will, I got time.

I’ll take a reading friendo

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I looked at you and saw a negative image of someone doing some form of martial arts. I asked who was with you and felt something behind me and saw the Cheshire grin :upside_down_face:

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was she fighting somebody or just like doing a kata or whatever? makes sense she’d be up to something like that, since she has been said to have warrior/protectress qualities

lol the feline could be considered sacred to her. I’ve seen her appear with stripes somewhat similar to a tiger (though she’s usually aligned with lionesses, not tigers, but i think perhaps she adopted “tiger” stripes cuz i was born in the year of the tiger)

ok ur reading is coming up in a lil bit :slight_smile:

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saw u in San Francisco on a sidewalk polishing or wiping off a blue scooter type thing with a dorky helmet on it. You said “it’s nice to get some fresh air” as a cool breeze ruffled your hair. You kneel over and try to start a fire by rubbing two sausages together as if they were wooden sticks… that’s not how it works, friendo :laughing:

hmm, lets see… well, i tried a new technique of reaching out to you and was very surprised to see a specific geographical location, so that’s new. Also, sausages aside, this was a very mundane and not-weird vision, which is very weird for me lol… i uhh, well, there was a bit of blue coming from the scooter, the sky, your dorky-looking helmet (which was white with a blue stripe). I feel the blue represents calm, so I wanna say you have found a moment’s rest in your life and youre enjoying the lull in the action.

As for the meat sticks, I wanna say that you only stay in the quieted headspace for a brief time before lighting a fire under your butt to get you moving again… but, the influence of this calm space has maybe lessened your ability to find that spark and fan the flames… either that or youre aching to sword fight someone…

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Anyone care to read me? Will do so in return to the best of my ability.

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@KingOfHearts616 don’t forget mine.

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i appear in your home as a white cat and scurry about. I attract the attention of a black cat and it tries to attack me. I leap in the air and change to a wispy form that you notice. You try to blast or banish me but i dodge, assume my regular astral form, and reassure you that i’m just here to read you. Your leg looks, uhh, less alive than it’s supposed to and you have huge bags under your eyes :worried: I breathe green healing energy around you and hope for the best
there’s some weird icky thing, half dead, crawling around on the floor, i step on it and squish it.
There’s a super creepy clown raft floating in a pool outside your home. It changes into a zombified clown that reaches up towards me and it croaks “heeelp meeee” :open_mouth: :face_vomiting:

though the unwanted presences in your house are dying down, they have taken their toll on you and it seems now you are extra jumpy and quick to react to anything even slightly out of the ordinary around you. It feels like you don’t need to be this vigilant anymore though; if you continue to look for enemies everywhere, you will quickly find yourself blasting inanimate objects in a quixotic daze. The harmful entities that were in your house dont seem like a threat anymore.

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I saw a clown face and heard the name Jamie (my nickname). Will keep trying.

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Anybody wanna give me a poke?
I’ll return the favor tonight.

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k i’ll do a quick one :slight_smile: one sec

Blue, then green, then white in dazzling display, a six pointed cross like Marbass seal, and an equal armed cross. And that’s all I see.

Sure one moment

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I touch down onto a flat plane of sand and blue sky. Nothing in sight but the horizon and the scenery it separates. Suddenly a large statue of an egyptian king breaches the desert floor, its head showing while the rest still beneath the surface. Behind it, a foot of a large statue protrudes in the same manner. Then a sarcophagus, then a hand, so on and so on, beyond the limits of my sight.

I slowly walk forward, following parallel to this row of giant stone body parts. My point of view shifts outside and above me, looking back down at the top of my head. I see there are many indistinct people following me at the same pace, an equal amount of space in between each and the next.

Feels like relics or forces of the past are resurfacing in your life. It’s not clear where they lead, but you must follow the trail…
other themes here are conformity, formation, steadiness, patience, unclear goals, influencing others to follow in your footsteps