Scanning you is always interesting there is always that bit of fear along with it.
i see you and asmodeus lounging around with alot of women your own haram so to speak, they are feeding you and messaging you ect asmodeus looks at me “the good life eh?” and winks
Как часто вы работаете над своими чакрами? если вы не балансируете их или не удаляете, они могут быть заблокированы или активированы, и они вызывают проблемы с поиском муладхары или корневой чакры, я считаю, что она заблокирована для вас.
im getting some sort of blockage like something doesnt want me to look, its weird like a concrete wall dafuck?
i finally got through i see an island a lonely one with a single palm tree… i think im just being shown what i seen before? im upset now i gotta try and shit
i fianlly get through and i see some of the baddest meanest looking dudes lol as i land they all stare at me in anger and confusion the leader coms and talks to me asks what i want really lanky looking dude not who you would expect to lead something like this i tell him you wanted a reading and not to impeed me.
and i slid in again this time i see a stream of blue energy going sideways left to right i follow to where it leads and i think its telling me your solar plexus is blocked I enter a room with all 7 entrances for your chakras im in a command center so to speak all the colors are working well but the yellow one the Solar Plexus
take that with a grain of salt i have never had to fight that hard before for a reading.
Если у вас есть открытие его сигилы и повторение Энна, тогда да, у него есть дерьмо, вы, вероятно, привлекли его внимание, просто произнеся свое имя.
как я исправляю свои чакры, я представляю себе, что красный свет проникает в мое тело, когда я вдыхаю, и я иду до самой корневой чакры, которая является пятном к тому времени, когда я выдыхаю. Я представляю себе черный и все другие виды энергии вытекать только вверх и вниз
I see you at a strip club dancing on a pole. Heels, lingerie (or lack thereof), the whole 9, seems like Azazel and Belial are there and playing poker completwly un aware of you
You look like you know what you are doin. Good job. Nice boobs and cheeks by the way
Dancing to raise energy i see
I see a 50 ft Well with black Tar in it. You are drowning, but it seems to be more like a training exercise. Similar to how the Navy Seals get thrown in extremely cold water and must survive for a period of time.
Your hands are tied and you are paddling with your feet.
Stop struggling with the Darkness. Get past your moral constraints and you will swim fine