Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps

Scan and swamp with s1…!!

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I’m up for it.

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I see someone mediating and hoovering in mid air. With hands folded like this :pray: .
Dressed in Grey cloak. Seems to be very centered towards meditating.

I see a white plane field that stretches as far as the eye can see. A yellow light is lit in the distance. A person walks out from this yellow light. The vision goes away and is all i see.

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I am working on your reading now.

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I see Asmodeus and he is tall wearing black clothing drapped with darkness. He has red eyes and a slight smile on his face.

I see a red energy coming from you.

You are beautiful as i see you before me with blonde hair. White wings and a glowing yellow aura. You stand on a black circle with a sigil drawn across the entire area of the circle.

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Anyone up to swap?

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Sure @Micah

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Interesting Read…:grinning:

I see you shrouded in a darkness, with red eyes and an ominous smile on your face. You definitely put out the vibe of being a Lord of Death or God of Death. But that’s fine with me;)

I see you bent over a mirror and you pound your fist on the table the mirror is set on. You do this actiom angrily as you aren’t able to see what you want to see. I see that the glass to the mirror has broken. You become saddened (to an extent) about the glass breaking on the mirror. It seems as if you understand something more profound here.

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You glow purple today @FantomGirl
Been working on your Crown Chakra or Third Eye lately?

There are a few baby dragons behind you. One is white, the others i cant quite see.

Your Soul alternates between Indigo/Dark Blue and Purple

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I see a Goddess with black hair and two snakes on her …down in her body (from waist to the legs)…there is this light blue energy encircling her but she is flying in the center of darkness

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Can someone scan me or whatever? I’ll do a scry in return.

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Wow thats accurate
Had a sad moment while i was doing some rituals. Past type shit coming back up from Christianity concerning habits

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Working on it…@Micah

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Not really been working on my crown or throat chakra… Although i think you said to fix my throat chakra which i did… Or it could have been someone else.
But very cool. Purple to blue. Dragons as well :blue_heart:

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You seem Anxious/nervous. Whats going on?
You are probably sensing entities around you more often but cant identify who they are.

Some of it is your own paranoia. There are no new spirits around you that you need to know about lol

Oh… Sorry to hear that. I hope you figure out how to get past it. :blue_heart:

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Cool… Thanks

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Nah, I’m just going through a change. Dealing with long time emotional issues and traumas. I am a little twitchy though and I don’t know why. Actually I know exactly why.

@Micah what would you like me to scry for you?

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You are burning with Light. Bright Yellow/white light

But its alternating between soft and intense.
You are Trying to ground yourself and your energy. Do yoga or Tai chi with the intent on grounding your power into the physical

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