Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps


For some reason you are sad and slightly angry.
I see you sitting and curled up, head in knees. You are like a child that prefers to sulk it out than tell the grown up whats wrong.

Either way, youll come out of it.

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I saw Azazel.
I stood there, he told me that he wants me to leave him alone to study.

Of course, I knew he would let me go through if only I persisted.

I dropped into a black ocean and put myself in a light bubble. I kept getting swallowed by creature after creature until I came across your godform.

It was a big rock titan in the middle of black water. “He’s doing important magical work, get out.”

I guess I should have asked nicely and persisted, but I didn’t want to piss him off lol.

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@Epsilon_The_Imperial suddenly its not funny anymore. I wonder what is so…oh wait, the Great Work :expressionless:
And i thought that term was bullshit :joy:

Heres yours:

Selling hash? I see, I see. I see you in a white tee shirt and white ball cap, blue jeans, black sneakers. You are struggling to make ends meet. Youve gotta be 20 something by the looks of it.

Sell the hash, drug, whatever, but be careful. Its gonna take more than hash to raise your empire out the ground

I’m sorry @Micah, but can you read what’s going to happen to me? I don’t want to be selling hash on the streets.

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@Epsilon_The_Imperial, I did ur read. I saw 2 figures. One a beautiful lady and the other a handsome man. They were making out. The reading might be biased so feel free to let me know.(I might need to banish my thoughts.) When I asked for a name, I got Lilith and Lucifer. Are u by any chance working with them?

@Epsilon_The_Imperial i thought thats what you were already doing :joy:

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I think they’ve taken an interest in me.

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Seriously though…

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Has someone else read them around u too?

A curse perhaps?
No i dont know where or from who.
Make sure your magical protection is on point

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You’re the first one.

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I’ll try banishing my thoughts and do it again. I work with both of them.

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The only thing I can think is they saw when u sensed me. I’ve done it again, got both Lucifer and Lilith, but also King Belial. Do u work with him?

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Ok I saw a huge fire like a pyre (the thing where they burned witches) and people were dancing around it, half-naked. It is in a forest at night, the moon spends light but then a huge thing (a dragon, a airplane? I don’t know) concealed the sky and it got dark.
On the fire was a woman with black hair and a white robe, who looks at this thing as if it is her saviour. The people are fleeing into the forest.

@Micah don’t forget me pleeeease :joy:




I see a little girl with a Giant lollipop. She is hyped off energy and sugar and literally cant sit still. She is jittery as fuck.

The other beings are getting slightly annoyed.

You need to ground maybe

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@A.Lucifer Do you know what it means?

@Micah haha yeah I’m a bit hyped atm :sweat_smile: thanks!

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@Everblue, did ur sense. I saw a female demon that had white sclera like lilith, but also black pupils. I’m nit sure who it is.

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Maybe Abaddon? Or Belial? :thinking: I don’t work with any female entity :sweat_smile:

Would anyone be willing to tell me what my energy feels like?