Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Hey @anon48079295 , can we scan trade? I want any messages the spirits have for me.

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I donā€™t channel I cannot tell you what messages spirits have for you. That would require me to do divination and even then interpret the cards I get in which I donā€™t do in this thread lol. All my scans are assessments of your energy and energy body.

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So normally I see what I would call your godform when I read you. This time around I see a particular aspect of him/them.

A see a elk/deer on its hind legs sitting on a rock by the lakeside, which eerily reminds me of Baphomet in the sense that the Baphomet has to do with the balance of opposites, which is the vibe I get from the animal. He sits positioned like Baphomet, but rather than the torch on his crown, he has a sphere of light. A circle of women sit round him as he teaches them Witchcraft. There is an aspect of your (what I term) godform that is tied to witches and magick and thats what I get off of this amulet.

What I also feel is rhat rhe amulet is very magnetic. Like it melds to worlds or energies together. I also see a man dancing with the fur and head skins of a wolf over his head. Like a shaman practicing Odinic wolf magick.


@itsnathanm7 , can we scan trade? I want any messages spirits have for me.

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@MagickVigilante. I didnā€™t get who the demon was.



When scanning you I see your physical self, youā€™re surrounded by this fiery dark energy around you, but as I continue to watch your physical body it starts to shift and phase to a draconic form the fiery darkness whipping around you, it starts to smell like burning wood and ash. There was a moment where I heard a faint scream coming from your energy which was peculiar, but back to you, when I expand my senses to see what entities or energies are connected to you and I see this diamond back snake near you, watching me, itā€™s energy feels like yours but on a much lesser degree, but at the same time it also feels separate from you, aside from the snake thereā€™s a black wolf that is moving around in the background, ever so often it hides behind the fiery dark energy around you and comes out as if itā€™s on guard.

I look around further and send out my energy to reveal any other entities that may be around and I see a familiar entity Iā€™ve seen quite a few times in projection, from the fiery darkness atleast it seems so Lucifer steps from behind you with his arms crossed almost as if he was examining? the energy coming from you, then he looks towards me and nods before continuing what he was doing.


So you saw Lucifer in Mephistos scan?

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Could you see who I have as spirits around me? Iā€™ll try scanning back again

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This makes sense.

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:+1::+1:scan people!:+1::+1:

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Will no-one scan me? Trade for a trade people! X

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I did. It showed that your brain is empty for a reason, I wonder why. :thinking:


When scanning, getting a very earthy vibe but also saw the word bronze, and saw the image of wood. I also saw an image the sun - but with the rays (6 of them?) of light shooting outward from it. Probably symbolic in meaning. So a mixture of solar, earth, and bronze/metal is what I got.

An image similar to this (sun looked more realistic lol) - but the rays were more like long arrowsā€¦ representing the different directions perhaps (N, S, E, W) or something else but directions came to mindā€¦looked similar to a compass.

You donā€™t have to return, I saw the image and the text about scanning it so I just figured why not

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Anyone up for a trade scan? Looking to give my senses ā€œmusclesā€ alittle workout.

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I am. Can you also scan for any messages the spirits have for me?

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I donā€™t normally channel, I can see what general things I can pick up but not experienced with channeling spirits. I can try and direct my scan towards your question though but I donā€™t think itā€™d be a direct channeling.

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Thatā€™s fine, ty anyway.

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Here is a scan, you can trade me back if you like.

When scanning you, I see a child - this is representative of someone inexperienced, who is still learning, making mistakes, and growing. The second image that came was a baby plant sprouting then the following image, or almost vision of a trees branches slowly branching out over time. Some leaves grow and others die (perhaps to represent choices - cause and effect/etc).

I also got a sense of curiosity, confidence which masks uncertainty, and lust.

I see your avatar running, but I see a blackness with tentacles coming from it. It snatches you and drags you into it.

ā€œThe darkness comes, and the light. To see what you want to see, you must embrace both sides of the spectrum.ā€ Thatā€™s where it ends.

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Oh, interesting. I thought the ty anyway meant that you didnā€™t want to trade. Iā€™ll scan you back then?