Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

You wanted a scan on what you posted above this? About the beauty magick?

I need a scan on what I posted above, but it’s important that it’s an experienced scanner as it’s something I need more then just curious.

I am not necessarily experienced, but I am not necessarily inexperienced.

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I more so need to see what type of spirit they are (I have my own opinion but won’t front load) and just more on her and my left foot (can’t front load). So it’s important to me.

I need you to ask specific questions, then, because you need specific answers.

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Okay, I need to know what (I think it was my spirit lover - there’s a small chance that it was someone like Lady Lilith) did to my left foot. I have my suspicion on what might have been done but I want someone to look into it.

As well as what type of spirit my spirit lover is.

That’s what I need. To start with.

She’s a succubus. I don’t see how I can expand on that. That’s what she is. But all succubi really are, are demons. She’s a demon. Demon lover. Demonic girl. Demon. Okay? Great.

Your left foot looks alight with a turquoise-ish blue flame. It’s like she put something in there, rather than altered your foot.

I am not in the position to evoke your lover. I will not do this, so I cannot ask her personally. Consider doing it.

It looks like it’s moving out of the foot and into the rest of your body. I keep asking it what it is

“Looooove” “Appreciation” “Exaltation”

No fucking clue, to be honest. If I were to guess, you have a better idea than me, and you should ASK her.

Yes, thank you

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Yes, when she and I first connected it seems she connected/did something to my left foot. The first time was intense (I won’t get into details) however now she can make my foot feel warm through it and affect the rest of my body. In a good way. However I need to look more into it.

I will scan you now.

Well, glad I got it sort of right, considering how fuckity I feel rn.

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Well first thing I see is a pink/violet color when scanning your name - and a cool (tempature wise) sensation. Your energy seems to put out or project this feeling. Which I’m sure affects others in some manner - whether intentional or not.

There seems to be a bit of a magnetism to you to. Not overtly strong, but subtle. Energetically speaking. I will note that my third eye kinda felt hot when scanning - although I’m not sure if this is related.


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Lol I had to look up the word “exaltation”.

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I’m up for another scan trade.


Trade scan anyone?

Anyone up for a trade scan? I need a scan to find out what spirits are immediately around me. Scan me and I’ll scan back next time I get on balg.

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Can anybody try to scan me? I feel like I’ve made leaps and bounds and I’m progressing as a witch at sonic fast speeds and I suppose I’m curious to see if that’s true. :woman_shrugging:

I can scan trade you. If you want?

Would be open to a scan trade.

Well if anyone is up for a scan trade then I’m available.

Specifically won’t let me edit old post I need my surroundings or area near me scanned .
