Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Hmm if you don’t mind, can you scan me? What magick am I naturally good at?

What would you like for me to scan.

I’m getting element and primal magick/ animal magick.
Mystic shaman vibes
Does that resonate with you?

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General is fine. Or anything that jumps out at you.
Dealer’s choice my friend.

Interesting you would say that, it does resonate with me as I tend to take a rather mystical approach once the magick is done, letting the gods guide me, but sadly I don’t think I would be able to handle the Shamanic path. Although, animal magick does not resonate so well with me I’d say.
Thanks for the reading :slight_smile:


Would anybody here be willing to do an energyscan? I’m currently dealing with entity attachments due to sorcerors any insight would be appreciated.

I new at this but just feeling your energy lucifer and abaddon came to my mind probably they want you to communicate with them

By the way if anyone can scan me i would be grateful, willling to trade another scan it works as practice for me

Would anyone be willing to scan me? If you could give me some advice on scanning I’d definitely be willing to scan back! I’m new to tapping into my senses but I need some practice and repetition

I’ll scan your energy.

Your aura extends not far from your body. Semi pentrable with a very slow moving watery feel. I feel you have things in your aura you might need to cleanse from. Like residue. That’s what I picked up.

I be down. Try me and then I’ll do you. I’m new to scanning too :grin:

Does anyone want to scan trade? I need to know more about the demon around me right now, im not sure who it is, so anything would definitely help in identifying them.

I can try to identify this demon (energy, personality, etc) with tarot/oracle, I’m used to this kind of thing :thinking: That good for you?

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Yes thank you! After I’ll scan you, do you want your scan public or dm to you?

You can go public, I don’t mind :ok_hand: If you can focus on the energy/aura of the spirits around me, that could be cool, I’m in a mist with my spiritual relationship right now. Just to know what they really think, and not just what they want me to know

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I see the color blue, a blue aura surrounding the spirit next to you. Wariness, they care about you, there guarding themselves do to past relationships ending badly, walling themselves off. Talk and bring the walls down.
Im sorry im not great at scanning, I’ll try to go deeper.
Its hard to meditate, my cats wont shut up

So, this is the reading, that not a 4K picture, but well :man_shrugging: :

I’m long when I do this kind of thing, sorry for the all this word I wrote :thinking:

Tarot :

  1. Death : That card concern the energy/aura of the spirit. When we talk about a simple question, the Death card generally means a new beginning or the end of a cycle. Here, when we talk about energy, that something else. How could I say that… That not really good, I have a kind of bad vibe, that not necessarily means that this demon is a bad dude, but he’s energy remember me of a “vampire”. Maybe he’s here because of a work you used to do before (like giving energy to some of your spirits) ? He seems to me, attached to you, when I say “to you”, I talk about your energy. A dark energy who made me think of : “You reap what you have sown.”

  2. The Sun : A positive card. A nice one. Here, I talk about his personality. This demon is a good buddies apparently. The advantage of the Sun card, is the fact that is almost always positive. Here, the card show me that this demon is a least a little openminded and search for a equal relationship. The drawing picture this right, two people, a woman and a man holding an axe together while they’re bound by a snake. A person who is cheerful and willing to listen to others as long as he has the right to be listened to and respected in return.

  3. The Empress : That card represents here the purpose/goal of this spirit. Unfortunately, in this tarot deck, the empress card is one of the hardest to decipher, so I did my best. The message I get from focusing on the card is, “This is what must be done.” I feel like that spirit is trying to evolve and that connecting with a human is a necessary step in that evolution. He’s trying to do it in the right way, but he’s wasted enough time already, so he’s going to go for it like a bull, the shock might surprise at first, but it seems to be his way of making it clear that he wants to connect to teach and learn in return. He seems to me to be a very… “eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”-dude.

Oracle :

  1. Here, I ask for an advice to make this relationship fruitful. This is a very special oracle that I bought very recently, the name of the card is: Wild Rider in Red, Blessing granted. The advice here is to let go and breathe a little, let go. Always wanting to control everything seems to be a bad habit you have, you have to accept that this can happen: Yes, sometimes you can’t do anything, the situation can get out of hand. How bad is it? Let things evolve at the pace they need to evolve, stop asking yourself and asking questions all the time. The spirit with you, she is also there to help you, by the way, I can make a link between this card and the Empress’ one.
    The Empress is linked to Jupiter and therefore to the constellation Taurus, and here we see on the oracle’s map a bull / yak. To me that literally means that you have to let yourself be guided by this “bull”. He’ll do his job well.

  2. Trial : And finally I asked how this relationship could evolve with Belline’s oracle. I drew the card: Trial. It’s two swords against each other, which shows adversity, or at least some kind of rivalry. It’s not necessarily negative, I see it more as two people trying to see who’s the strongest in a field, and when one beats the other, well… the other one laughs nicely. That’s the feeling I get with this card.

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No problem, just do what you can, I’m here to help in the first place, not to be helped, that already kind of you to do this. If that’s all you can do right now, you don’t need push yourself :ok_hand:

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Thank you Leoh, I’ll try it tomorrow when I have the house to myself, I have next to no peace and quiet right now, so its hard to meditate and connect to you and yours.

As to why I asked for help identifying the demon around me, I wrote a letter of intent asking a demon king or queen to possess me and teach me for 6 months. Thank you for the reading!

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I volunteer as tribute.

I’ll trade anyone who is up for it.

saw a man kinda wrapped sitting in his bed with a lot of dark energy but it seemed more like life stress and worry torturing you and feel you’re being called to connect with feminine energy like nature so you can gain perspective and your well being.