Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

I just read your scan over again… :joy:
Why are you stalking me so hard.

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Would you like to trade?

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That’s accurate as shit…

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Yes we all do

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Me? @itsnathanm7


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I gave him a quick Google. He can actually help me with a couple things. Very nice.

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Rubs hands together :smiling_imp:

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I appreciate that… :relieved:

Idk why my eyes always do that tbh…

I’ve been wearing alot of black, but yess I have black on now as well too

Cool Cool. But I gotta see about the wolf. He’s always around I just never interact with him.

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Okay… @itsnathanm7

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Whenever you’re ready.

I already read you… :joy: @itsnathanm7 Typing it now.

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All true and the dark inky energy is understandable for me i believe.

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I see a red dragon floating around as a symbol of you I felt…
The red dragon usually symbolizes potent and auspicious powers. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and luck
But that felt to easy so I tried to tame more into your energies and I saw you standing on a path, but you are split in two. I saw one half of you with blonde hair and the other with black.
I didn’t get to much from that besides the blonde side reaching out a saying help me but I didn’t necessarily know what you meant
I return back to the dragon and ask if I can speak with you and you soul appears sitting upon the dragon as it lay rolled up like a donut.
You then speak asking whom I am and I tell you,
which you then preceded to say “Well in that case you’ve seen all that is needed to be seen.”
A burst of people pink like appears from you which I assume was your aura, which later turns a dark purple before I departed.

You feel more solid than @FantomGirl. Note fiery-earthy. Perhaps more stubborn. I see blue lightning upon blood Red clouds.

The aura is blue clouds with black fires. With purple starlight. Are you a starseed?

Some form of connection with Zeus.


There’s also a connection between the two of you.

Edit: that might be wrong.

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To be completely honest I don’t know what that is for me to be one… Can you explain?
I failed sometimes when it comes to finding out information like this about myself. Im connected to all of things I don’t know about or would even believe sometimes.

And yes me an @FantomGirl are connected to some extent.
I never really looked deep into it but you’re correct.


Zeus huh? New information for me… I will be finding out more though.

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I don’t have much more time. Look them up on YouTube. You will get more new age like information but not all of it is necessarily true.

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