Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)


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Trade anyone?

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Yep. I’m down.

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@Maca_W alright. Then let’s begin.

I light fades in you but still lingers. You hold onto the christian ways. It infects your soul. You need to push it out of you with all of your force and might.

I see you are beginning to ascend and are working with darker forces to attain this.

But as for your own being i see you have white wings and long black hair. Green eyes. A red energy that turned violet is all around you and is your aura at this time.

It seems Azazel is near you and is wishing to work with you.

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Hello! Accurate on the green eyes. I am
Fighting against Christianity, and yep, Azazel (could he be the dark figure that people
Seeing behind me? ) is my patron ! :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart: I’m workin on yours.

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So, for you the element of water is deep within you, which is where the sensitivity comes from. Definitely a Seer. I see that the waters are darkening as you rise for the underworld. I get a warrior vibe from you. Waiting for the right moment to strike (I guess it’s with the stuff that’s going on right now with the spirit world). Waiting as if you know what’s coming, yet very tranquil, because whatever you are fighting against. You already won

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Thank you for your reading of myself @Maca_W

It is quite accurate.

Also i am glad i got a good portion of your reading accurate as well.

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Did you get trained, too to face whatever is going on?

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Trained? Not really buy i suppose i was helped to see what i should do in order to become truer to myself.

No i don’t think i was trained (technically).


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Oh got it ! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Yeah no problem @Maca_W

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Still want trade?

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Of course @Tattersail

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I see you with pink wings and a pinkish aura.
You are crouched down to the point where i can’t see your face. You seem like you are crying but i can tell you are joking around and soon i see you smiling and laughing.
You must be doing well.
But i see a darkness around you. Swarming around you. You are enticing it in but in your way and not its way.
I see a dove as well. White and fluffy :wink:

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I see a haunted old house with gates with a big X sign on it. I see a half dead looking butler came out and told me to go. Suddenly theres a thunder and in short second I can see a lot of people, like tribes. I exit the house while looking back one last time. I saw a lot of dead spirits looking back at me.


Ooo. Very cool @Tattersail.
A few people have seen dead people or dead spirits in relation to me. So i will look into it for sure.

Thanks for the read.


I would love to receive a reading.

I am up for it if you want!

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Im up for it

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