Post in this topic to meet people close to you!


I know that this is a bit of me using my powers of thread necromancy oh, but here goes.

Well, any place can become an occult meeting place if you put enough power and energy into the area.

I’ve turned an empty office space into a Nexus of vile, malevolent energy. I just feed it and make sure that the portal stays open every day.

You can turn anything into a ritual space, whether you are 5 miles deep in the woods, dancing skyclad under a full moon, or, if you are walking beside a cell phone tower, in the midst of a big city. Any place that you put your mark into, will become a powerful area if you will for it to happen.

Just throwing that out there, and if anybody wants to do a meet up here in Phoenix Arizona, let me know.


Excellent point @Unknown_Occultist. I will need to start putting my “mark” on more spots that I frequent.

I am in Ghana. I want to meet a grand master to help me pact with the spirit BERITH to help get money and waelth for 20years.

I’ve been noticing a lot of people that have been looking for others nearby to them.

Maybe there’s something to that. Something deeper than we’re actually looking at. When it comes to what we do, we always have to look below the surface.

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Basically I could create an area for like minded in my city to be attracted to, lets say a certain area of a local park for example? I never thought of it that way, thanks for the idea :blush:

Im in Buena Park, California. Near knotts berry farm and Disneyland.

Bandung, west Java

I know of at least one other in your area, and I have been doing work with someone here.

I’ll send you the invite to the PMs if you want to coordinate.

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Dope! Let me know ! @Unknown_Occultist


Welcome @Lili_Coco Please make an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

This is a great site already, as for meetups or dating idk, ive always walked my path alone, BUT…the right people came to me when time came I believe

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I’m in Interior Alaska.

Living in quiet town of canton Ohio and I was hoping there like minded friends around that could meet up with.

The more I work and the more I search for like minded people,the more I realize this path is intentionally lonesome.
It’s nice having people around but ultimately you have to do things yourself. Others can become a crutch and hinder your development.
Stay strong folks.


Sometimes having others to help out can really add to the potency of your ritual work. For the past few weeks I’ve been associating with somebody from this site that I met here in my local area, and the rituals so far have been, shall we say, interesting. Lots of power.

This person really does add to the potency of our rites.

Of course dating is a no go anywhere. Every single site is full of muggles and normies.

How about it, who wants to do a BALG dating thread? (Don’t do it, 100 percent joke)


I think when people (Black magicians) get into relationships and they have malicious intentions things will get very messy quickly lol. Curses flying over our heads everywhere because someone got cheated on or whatever.

I’d love to meet a girl who is into black magick and demons but i’m cautious. I won’t risk anything. She can do serious harm to me. I can’t trust people over the internet who I opened up to emotionally. Or being vulnerable to a black magick goddess who will wreck my soul afterwards.


Me 2


San Antonio tx

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