Possible Super Parasite from the Tunnels of Set

Today at dawn I saw this being in a dream. I know it wasn’t a simple dream because of the previous astral body sensations, the attacks (like tides of agresive energy, and astral parasites floating in the air) among the entire night with non continous sleeping, and because, in reality without realizing it, II sent a girl two audios with particular durations: 1:11, 4:44; and, on the other hand, I sent her the key messages of the matter at 04:40 in the morning.

This girl has been a victim for a long time of witchcraft and entity attacks. She has the see [Sight] (clairvoyance), and I know it for things that she has told me about my energy (that I see) that I did not tell her, just by seeing a photo that I sent her.

Well, it turns out that, a few days ago I told her that a horrible altar came to mind, and altar with bones and all black, satanic style with sacrifices (of animals, I imagine). She confirms to me that tarot readings and other things support that.

Well, going back to the dream: when I got up, after having that dream after not being able to sleep and feeling presences and seeing black clouds and half-flat orbs with reddish edges and like mini tentacles of energy, I write to her, and right at that time she was also writing to me because she had seen something!!!

She also told me that she felt that she had something in her throat that was choking her, and I just told her that that morning, between my awakenings, in one it was because I felt like a sandy paste in my throat, which made me half breathe badly. In other words, full coincidences.

Well, the dreamed being was a worm like from the Tunnels of Seth (it was sayed to me in the psychic dream), a mega lamprey like. Only its mouth-head was about 15 meters long, and filled with a transparent, semi-viscous liquid (I had sweated much more than was appropriate for the heat it is in Lima).

In the dream I was told that this being has a lot of small versions in the astral (those half-flat orbs with indented edges, could be like the mouths of their “children”).


Well, I leave you the creature, with the name (SOTEYÚ) that I saw in the dream, and some words (Agará meratop zem) that came to me after the dream when I told that to the girl.

Also, the girl told me that the serie of numbers could be keys for doors in the reallity of ¨el ensueño¨ (term of Carlos Castañeda, sorry because there is not traduction)


I edited this post to add paragraph breaks do that it’s easier to read :slight_smile:

Ah, I agree there’s a lot of parasites from many sources in the astral, it’s an underrated problem and a lot of them a human created.
Some of them even are humans :slight_smile:

My recommendation is to raise your energy by filling your being with what they can’t digest: love. Add a feeling of connection and understanding of the universe. Whetever you do, do not fear: fear is what they feed on and attracts them. Filled with love you are barely even visible to them.

They are actually nothing to you, because they believe in nothing, they create silly stories, nothing substantial, it’s like LARPing in the astral, it’s real but kinda not. It affects you because you believe it can and joined in the storytelling. So it’s that energy you can step out of.

Maybe set up mirror shields that return unwanted energy to the sender. (Search here on “mirror shield” for a tutorial in case you want one.

And as “like attracts like”, look at yourself and do some shadow work, both as part of cleansing yourself of these things and thier effects on your energy, and to clear any resonance on your part. This is very low and uneeded energy for a human, you won’t lose anything by stepping out of it.

Failing going into god mode, try getting your holier than thou superiority on. Look down on and laugh at these things and refuse to credit them with any strength over you, they are insects after all.


Thanks a lot for the edition. I´m from Ecuador, and my redaction in english is bad sometimes. About the love, is true. I have experienced what you expressed. I saw, many times when I was inspired by music or other factors during my meditations, how feeling love can change your energy and the enviroment energy. Violet, white, or inclusive near to gold astral light appears when you are in the conciousness of love and inmersed in the lightfull Net of Conciusness. In that state, feeling your own divinity is easier, and you don´t feel the need to fight, cause the high vibe of love transform your enemies, or destroys them (they decide).

For another hand, I did not feel fear, but I was worried. Not for me, but for the world. That worm is a GIGANT WORM. And you know, brother, some agents of chaos are setting free that mega spawns.


If it eases your worries for the world: as per my recent experiences these giants can turn into tiny, barely even alive inconveniences, if handled correctly :slight_smile:
Thank you describing your experiences :+1:


On my expirience love only, does not help eliviate stronger parasites or any entitys wich want too or do feed on you.

Usualy by me it happened when i am sleeping because ‘duh’ nearly every being in such state is very vulnerable on many levels. But much less if you start developing your Protection, your soul your astralbody and its many weapons.

Parasites of any kind will start to mess with you on the daytime - councious time if you are weak generally or are good meat but unaware how to protect your meat(on all levels).

Love is such a powerfull force to feed upon i say out of my practices in wich i do not really filter anything becuase i want the challenge and the powers to digest any and all energys into my power evolution and ascend and also at the end of my day the resistance of challenging energys.

I would argue that love even attracts them more than if you where a bad mofo yourself.

One deep night where i whas sound and asleep a slopy basterd of an cowardly parasite decided after i practiced vampiric selfalchemy practices curtained by magic so no entity nor man can look into it when practiced or to spy on it or crack into it to hinder the processes.

So he wanted to suck some precious essences out of my brain and to rape me BUT behold my vampiric astralbody stretched just its hands out and started to suck his essences dry and OH MY whas it whimpering like a starved diet torchered fat kid when his cooky drowns in milk instead of landing into his mouth.

Opened my maw to eat and digest him even more and i say this, this motherfucker tryed to get away faster than the road runner or flash at the same time in wich lukily for it, it did…

And to this day never showed up again.

Try me again bitch!

So no do not give love to the undeserving show them your fangs and your guns and swords if they want to do the “Fuck around, and find out” action.



Do you know how to fight against dracos? I see those bastards every day.

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@Luigi_Corleone Edited your post, taking off-site services and its review down. Mulberry explained it quite well in a different topic that asked for off-site services:

Naming and reviewing vendors and services that aren’t from BALG can bring the forum owners into legal trouble. We can’t check off site vendors for their authenticity (or their lack of it).


Well take some steps back and ask yourself are these services really helpfull (right now) for your growth in general.

Because such thinks show temselfes up when something in you currently resonates with such circumstances, good and bad.

It seems that for you it isnt the right time to do such thinks. Usualy such thinks are also invited by your higher self to teach you something or show you what actually should be the importance for your growth.

Because reptiles, are, of course independed from us as a species.


There is also known a reptilian part of our own counciousnes wich is also conected to sex and reproduction-survival and fight. Maybe u are doing it to much and should focus on actually cultivating now your sexual energys independently away from succubis inteferences and alchemy.Learn to control and harnessing it first.


If it is time to release or to work on it further maybe than u consider such service apart just for pleasures sake.

Because vampiric beings are not only here to take the goodys away from you parasites also suck thinks out of you you artificially are still holding onto.One could argue one creates sometimes uncounciously ones own parasites for self reliefance sake of such toxic behaviors/traits wich resulted them in the first place.And the loosing of goodys is the punishment you receive in some way so you finally learn in pain so that you finally memoryze the lesson and whisdom you shouldve had understood in the first place.

Wich can only be uncovered by you taking the time, reflecting what is actually happening what are you actually afraid of what are you actually fighting or ignoring in this case. You should do both attack the thread ,shielding, and of course heal your self in these aspects. And understand what are you actually doing that you are in this mess in the first place what can you
learn from it ,longterm. What can be improved and mastered in these situations.

Is this somekind a initiation a test a needed resolve? Ask questions do what must be done. U will find the answer the solution as long u keep up, not only the fight but also the spiritual and needed mental work otherwhise u stay stuck and be further vampirised/attacked until you breack.

:fire: LUX :snake: ANGUIS :zap:

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