Possession - Last Stages

Also, the idea behind the “Lucifer’s son” is suspect in the first place. The only occult source I find for that is Mark Alan Smith’s work, and he names Belial as the son of Lucifer and Hecate, not Azazel.
But I guess it’s futile to attempt to even debate this. I feel like the OP is just one of those people who came here to get everything they think validated instead of looking for legitimate criticism/help.


I ask for Lucifer, I get Lucifer directly.[/quote]

I didn’t ask for Lucifer… :frowning:

But thank you for coming to my thread :slight_smile: And people can disagree I agree with that. Thank you everyone! :slight_smile:

May I just come back to you there for a second?
On this forum, most of us learn a lot by asking questions and getting many ansaers, ideas, advices and useful warnings whenever it is possible. None of us is actually trying to offend you, so you should not take it personally. You asked for advice and we gave it to you, others, like myself commented.
When we see something wrong in what you tell us, we point it out to set you right, not to criticize. And when we do not understand what you are getting at, we also make it clear. otherwise what would be the need for the forum’s quetions and answers?
And I meant what I said, that if you truly are possessed, do you know how precious what you have there is? What wouldn’t I give to swap with you in a heartbeat, if I could!
Also you keep writing the names differently. First you say AZAEL, then later you call him AZAZAEL. those are really two different entities as far as I am concerned, and I think I do know.
You already have him in you as you say, you do not need to bribe him or anything. He’s already there, so begins building a proper relationship with him and profit from his immense knowledge and abilities, many of which he could pass on to you, teach you, if you’d only ask.
Otherwise, am I missing something still?
Also it is by developing a thick skin and being ready to accept and even welcome constructive critisism that you’ll learn; otherwise, this forum is not for you.

That’s not the same as Azazel, necessarily… be careful of thinking “it sounds alike so it must be basically the same.”

“Goetia” sounds a lot like “geisha” but trust me, evoking the legions of hell will NOT result in a pleasing flow of green tea and classical Japanese music… they get pretty pissy when you ask them where the kimonos are, as well.

[quote=“Milla, post:23, topic:5818”]May I just come back to you there for a second?
On this forum, most of us learn a lot by asking questions and getting many ansaers, ideas, advices and useful warnings whenever it is possible. None of us is actually trying to offend you, so you should not take it personally. You asked for advice and we gave it to you, others, like myself commented.
When we see something wrong in what you tell us, we point it out to set you right, not to criticize. And when we do not understand what you are getting at, we also make it clear. otherwise what would be the need for the forum’s quetions and answers?
And I meant what I said, that if you truly are possessed, do you know how precious what you have there is? What wouldn’t I give to swap with you in a heartbeat, if I could!
Also you keep writing the names differently. First you say AZAEL, then later you call him AZAZAEL. those are really two different entities as far as I am concerned, and I think I do know.
You already have him in you as you say, you do not need to bribe him or anything. He’s already there, so begins building a proper relationship with him and profit from his immense knowledge and abilities, many of which he could pass on to you, teach you, if you’d only ask.
Otherwise, am I missing something still?
Also it is by developing a thick skin and being ready to accept and even welcome constructive critisism that you’ll learn; otherwise, this forum is not for you.[/quote]

Thanks both of you! I do come to learn :slight_smile: So I will keep reading and asking questions :smiley:

Lucifer has many sons. You weren’t specific enough maybe?
Lucifer has many relationships with people and spirits. Many see him as a father figure from what I have heard…