Possession during dreaming

Has anyone ever been possessed while dreaming and if so, what did the experience reveal to you?

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I’m so glad you asked this question… I had a couple of possession dreams… the latest one was me staring in the mirror, and I had my head tilted back where you can see up my nose. What I saw up my nose was a red diety. Looking up my nose was like looking through a portal… still to this day, I have no idea who this being was.

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Hey I’m so fascinated by possession currently haha. Can you help me with a question?

What is the difference between partial possession and full body possession. What are the states and what does possession feel like in general I know this can vary from entity to entity.

I have felt super propelled in this direction and I am loving it. I’m learning as much as I can and preparing myself.


@Demigoddess @Sycorax @Fallen_Human @Morgana9

Full possession means you lose control. You are merely observing. Your whole body can be taken over.
Of course there are degrees to this.
How much control are you willing to relinquish.
Not to be insensitive here but you would benefit from having met, evoked and communicated with whomever you are wanting to invoke.
There are levels where you are unable to move and shake slightly
Or where you are walking around watching yourself as an observer.


I have been practicing for a few years now and it’s not like I am wanting to jump in straight away. I see it more as something to consider rather than act upon straight away.


I would like to know what the levels are more or less so this gives me an idea of which state means what. From mild for example to full ect. What happens on each scale. So I can contemplate my comfort level and my limits for right now. If that makes sense.


Doesn’t matter how long or how much practice you have. :thinking:
I t depends on you and your goal and what you want to experience

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I let my friend’s etheric body possess me while sleep. I know it was legitimate because I was discussing it with his projection during a etheric projection myself. So during such I stopped and went to bed and my body started moving and thrashing, I woke up and became fully aware of it, it lingered for a bit before my natural need to be on control of my own body took over.


Thanks for your guidance and time Morgana I really appreciate this! All the best :blush::heart:

@Demigoddess Wow, amazing! Sounds trippy as balls. What feeling did you pick up from this entity?

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@Moonlight154 technically, invoking deities is a mild form of partial possession, because we are opening ourselves up to a current of consciousness that is slightly outside of our usual state. Partial possession I feel tends to feel gradual whereas a full blown possession is more aggressive however, it can also be a result of continuous partial possession.

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@anon48079295 that sounds like an intense experience💜, did this strengthen your bond with your friend?

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@Morgana9 have you ever experienced being in the observer mode? What did you get out of it?


But i don’t hold back i just go into.
There are other ways as being a observer. That is become a conduit.
Believe me :wink: the more you give the more information and better appreciation of the mage. :black_heart:.


Yeah I know invocation feels gradual I have found this from personal experience. I couldn’t find the words um by partial I meant mild possession.

Yeah so my question was:

What does mild possession feel like?
What does moderate feel like?
What does what does full possession feel like?

I know this can be hard sometimes to describe with words but I’m looking for the general idea of things? How controlled would each stage I guess that depends on how much control you relinquish?

We were synthetically close at first but yes now we’re legitimately close.


@Moonlight154 I actually wasnt only referring to invocation when I mentioned the gradual process, I said partial possession tends to feel more gradual. Invocation is a mild form of partial possession but it’s not the only kind. If you do invocation then you will already have an idea of what mild possession feels like. Hope that clarifies things here as I’m talking about possession as a whole, not strictly invocation, even though invocation is paramount to the craft.

Tbh in my opinion, it all depends on the magician and the entity involved, when I experienced mild and moderate, those experiences felt like what Morgana was describing, like I was more of the observer. With full, it was a bodily experience and required increased physical strength to harness the energy. Only way I can describe it is that it was like that feeling you get when you are in the middle of lifting a heavy weight. Strenuous, needing increased concentration but rewarding.

As for stages, I’d love to find more info out there about that but because everyone’s energetic signature is different, what’s moderate to one person might be mild to another. It would be difficult (but not impossible) to measure because everyone’s pain/comfort threshold is different. This is where pathworking comes in handy :dizzy:

If anyone knows about specific stages, I’d like to hear about them!

Have you had any experiences with possession yourself @Moonlight154? If so, what did u experience?

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@anon48079295 well you can certainly say nowthat they know you inside out :joy:

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My experiences vary. I’ve had positive ones and negative ones. Some of them I don’t even remember.

I had a spirit attachment once. My vibration was low and it latched on to me some years ago and I don’t know what happened after that because I think I became partially possessed. I banished and removed it then later at the time.

As for positive ones I haven’t had many possessions not that I’m aware of maybe I did like mild ones but honestly I couldn’t tell you because the thought never crossed my mind back then. I feel it has been more gradual and have seen energy shifts and at one point I would say I came to the realisation that my energy felt different only to realise perhaps it was a build up of events throughout time that have been all along. I’m wanting something different now though, perhaps looking for something more hence one of the reasons why I would be open to the idea of possession. :blush:

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