Posession by Demon/Invoking a Demon (Goetia)

What should I expect? (I’m interested in demonolatry so please don’t tell me, they’re after my soul or anything similar.)

Will I not have control over myself completely?

What are your experiences of being posessed by a demon?

I don’t want to be annoying but I’m commenting here so this comes up in recent threads. Maybe I posted at a bad hour.

Full possession in most cases is a lot more difficult than your neighborhood priest/ minister or Warner Bros Films would have you believe.

First of all, for a successful invocation and I imagine especially so for an intended full possession, It’s very important to let go of any desire or need to keep full control over yourself.

I have not been successful on an actual full possession yet (I think), so I can’t speak to that with experience.

I have invoked demons. most of the times I don’t sense much of a spectacular thing. I just sense a change and a sort of surge in energy around me and in my system and you mainly get thoughts and intuitions that are not (entirely) your own. If your psychic and astral senses are finely development you might even hear the demon. My developed astral senses are shit for this kind of thing and my mainly developed psychic sense is claircognizant with a swirl of clairsentient. So it’s mainly just intuition and thoughts that are not my own. It takes effort for me to get those and to actually recognize them while in the ritual invocation state.

But sometimes the invocation feels… electric, you could say. Like that foreign surge of energy creeps in my system and while it tries to adapt to me I usually have some uncontrollable shivers. I am usually not fully alert and conscious for that part, but in a trance state.
When it’s successfully adapted to my system it’s really not like I am no longer in control, it feels more like I am sharing consciousness with something else or made room for another consciousness. I feel like myself, but in sort of a dream state while the other entity is sort of a part of me as well. I can take control if I want to (sometimes it feels like a fragile state, sometimes it feels like it might take some effort to regain full control, depending on the power of the entity and the success of my ritual). But I am not in full control of my intuition, thoughts and expressions. I always feel like I am in control of my physical expression/ motion, I would have to willfully let go and really guide or invite the energy/ consciousness to do things like channeled writing or drawing. At the natural end of my ritual the unity quite easily fades away.

If I take the time after the ritual to first ground the remaining energy and after that ground myself (I personally prefer a lazy chair, some wine and cheese and a silly movie/ show). I fully feel like myself again quite quickly.

Hope this helps a bit to know what to expect… Do note that this is only one personal account. It might be different for other people.


Thank you for your reply.

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I was possessed by vepar and I saw another person was too. It’s pretty common with this demon, I first asked of him to heal my mind. He possessed me for like 30 minutes after wearing his sigil, but I still felt like I was in control. I lost a lot of anxiety and gained more confidence and feel good feelings. It feels like you’re watching in third person and that someone else is piloting.