[POLL]Spirits and people interaction with them, be honest and do vote!

Have you had any physical paranormal events happening in your life ?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

0 voters

Ill be showing the results in one month.


Don’t forget to do it. I am wanting to see the results :thinking:


No I will not forget it.

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That’s why I am giving it a month, I am allowing time for people to come onto the forum and vote :slight_smile:

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When someone wakes you up during the night and talks to you is it considered physical paranormal activity? Or when those shadows attack?
Can you explain to me what you mean by physical?

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I’ve physically felt like a super intense feeling back when I was Christian but nothing truly paranormal aside from that. But that energy thing was incredible


I’ve had a dream where I met a little boy he gave me his pajamas I told my dad then he took me o the home owner and he showed me the picture of the kid wearing those pajamas, he died Ina fire when the house burnt down they remade the same house 50 yards over that was the house I was in, I’ve also had stuff fall off shelf’s when talking to people stuff like that.

I sneeze when I even start to communicate. Dunno why. Synchronities have hapoened like physical objects related to my birth symbols have just appeared oddly. Dreams yeah. One time as a child i saw dirt stains dance on the wall and i recall laughing at it. I also remember this old bedroom where i’d crawl on my knees under a blanket around the bed. One time… something pinned me to the ground and the room had an aura. It coukd have been any spirit. Maybe it wad a big cat. I think it laughed when i scurried in fear out of the room. I was pretty young.

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What I mean by physical is that it is physical.
Maybe you would like a definition of the word physical when applied to general conceptions.

" relating to things perceived through the senses as opposed to the mind; tangible or concrete."


I’ve had incubi breath on my neck in the shower, Odin open up a completely closed bedroom door to WIDE OPEN in a violent woosh and sleep paralysis attacks leave a few scars lol

I want to meet more people to relate to that are desensitised to this stuff that would typically scare the s*** out of “normies”
But I can’t stress enough PLEASE NO LARPERS.
Just people who can have true meaningful in depth discussions for better learning and understanding on what these things are about.


That’s the truth, a lot of these things would indeed scare the majority of people who think they are all so much of a magician.
Until they actually experience things like the ones you’ve just mentioned…

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Thanks, I went too far thinking about what and how it might relate.

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Anyone thinks I should close the poll at a certain number of voters? Or keep it open through the month like I’ve said?

What do you consider “physical paranormal events”…?
a) If I see something and I was by myself, is that considered “physical paranormal events”…?
b) If we’re together and I see it but you don’t, is that considered “physical paranormal events”…?
c) And finally, If we both see it but a third person can’t see it, is that a “physical paranormal event”…?

Cause in case a) if I had it by myself, then how can I be sure it was a physical paranormal event and not something else?
And in the cases b) and c) can we say that some people (in the same room and at the same time) had a paranormal event but some others didn’t…? How does that make it a paranormal event…?

You trust your senses too much to determine the “physical” when your senses aren’t even objective.


You make too much fuss out of a simple question. But be my guest.
I left the question nice and simple because it’s up to the person’s conceptions to decide what’s what and what’s not.
Although I believe it is a very straightforward question, is it not?

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Oh so you want to know what I believe that I had, and not what I really had. A bit odd request, when a few posts above someone said “please no larpers”.
Be my guest as well and wish you luck!


I just assumed this would be a very simple and straightforward question to most people. Obviously it is for some and not for others.
I didn’t go deeper into it because I’m leaving that choice to the person when the person votes.
If the person wants to believe she/he had a physical experience with spirits even though there’s no way to prove that because no one else experienced then probably votes yes, if the person is in doubt and doesn’t quite think he/she experienced a physical unexplainable phenomenon, then maybe should vote no.

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I just meant that in the sense of a deterrent for people who say things for attention instead of experience. Everything is experienced based and I am not to judge another ones experiences simply because I haven't experienced it. 

But my last attempt at conversation with someone was a little hard to swallow as she tried convincing me she changed into a werewolf at the full moon without control, yet she was also a fae child changeling, cleopatra in a past life and the daughter of lucifer… Like I said who am I to or judge or say she wasn’t… but it was curious vibes and stories weren’t quit adding up…

A lot of people will be definitely sure they’ve had the most physical concrete real experiences… And then right after they will say they have actually been to the moon on the astral travels and the moon is actually pink… I’d say to vote not sure…
But they will most likely vote yes.
This is just to see how far will it go… If more then 50% votes yes it means something…
Because I’m thinking in reality, it will be a very far stretched 20% on yes. So we will see the numbers.

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36 to go to one hundred, i’ll close it then…

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