Please help me scan this picture

dude so heavy, give me headache, try to talk and play more with those children, they are thinking something


Thank you. I appreciate your comment.

Haven’t read any other comments but I feel a child energy. Not evil or necessarily negative. The equivalent of a kid sticking his tongue out at you. Just a childlike dislike. Someone thinks this is “his” room and does not care for anyone else using it. Like he is jealous.

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Interesting. Thank you!

I am getting that someone left trough this door and it was a heavy, almost traumatic moment.
There were loud voices outside the room sometimes, they were heard while someone or more then one person was/were playing. It was fighting. They didn’t was to hear it. It created a heavy feeling in the room.

In the cupboard i sensed at least two spirits, but I didn’t get a bad feeling from them. I feel more good intentions and „wanting to play“

When I am looking at the last picture I am hearing that I should look to the window, what I can’t do because it’s a picture.
But when I look at the window on the first photo, it’s almost like someone once ran away trough it or thought about doing so.

On the second picture I heard „drain“.

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I noticed that my heart beat got stronger when I looked on the right side of the first photo. But I can’t explain why. There was nothing on my mind.

(This is a pretty cool collection of dinosaurs btw!)

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Came here to say exactly this.


I haven’t done scans in a while, so forgive me if I’m off.

I couldn’t see anything in the first photo, but I felt like someone was watching by the open door and was off-centered more towards the left. Feelings of suffocation and depression. Nightmares. Top right corner something like a grasshopper?

Second picture I just felt depression.

Third picture was heavy in feeling. A face in the TV screen. Any chance of a rabbit detective imaginary friend? It’s what came to mind when I looked at the closet door.

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It’s some old lady mad about the youth. As soon as I saw the photo she was there giving bad looks…if u want a description il give u a more elaborate one if you are interested. YOU KNOW…though lol but I see you want to be sure. Auras were grey and yellow. :fire::fire::fire:

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Thank you! I appreciate your help.


Your feelings are accurate. The rest I’m not sure since I cannot confirm some details at the moment. Thank you!

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Yes, the kid that lives there loves dinos and JP movies. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your help!

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No problem.