Please help me find my kitty

Ok @BladeOfWoe , I scanned your poor kitty, she (I assume it’s a she) she was cold and scared, trying to sleep, during my scan I believe Lucifer went to her, as he might have jumped through me, he was taking care of the kitty, I also called Freya, she’s taking care of her as well


Thank you. Though someone else said that she was being fed by a family. I hope she’s finding food well (I’ve seen her hunt and eat her prey).


Both could happen, because cats move around

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That’s true. Thank you

This is an invocation to the god/dess who loves felines.

I hope you find peace first, then I hope you find your kitty.
Take care :slight_smile:

P.S, I don’t know if you are a nature oriented person or not, but ask nature to help you find her, in your own words, pour out all the love you can in it. Watch the trees, feel the breeze and follow it., keep your ears and eyes open :slight_smile:

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Yes. I love nature! If I see another cat I ask them to help me find her!!!

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Tres and wind too.

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Nothing yet

Still nothing. I think someone picked her up. She’s chipped. I would have gotten a call if she taken to a shelter. I’m thinking she isn’t coming back honestly

At least she visits my dreams 🥲

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Fuck man… im so sorry. That must be completely soul crushing. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain of that loss.

@DarkestKnight might want to confirm but I saw the op just post a kitty has been found thread. If so then I think this one can be closed.