Please help me find my kitty

Okay cool. Thank you!!

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What would make your kitty go missing? Was your cat happy in your home?

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Cats sometimes walk far away from home and don’t find their way back, especially if the cat has only been living inside. It can have the best home ever and still go missing. Or they enter a random car through an opened door and the driver doesn’t notice.
Not knowing where a beloved cat is and what might have happened to them is pretty hard.


A old school trick put food in her bowl,treats and call her,wat u call her,if stay in streets she comeback and held in a house it’s hard,also hit her bowl whit a spoon to the sounds of drums,tis be done like at least once a day,not magick but use in old times to bring lost cows dogs goats


A male domesticated cat can have a territory of upto 5 miles yeh you read that right. They will/can be predatorized by coyotes, wolves, domestic dogs and sometimes even foxes and bigger cats. Also some birds of prey will take a cat and wild or stray cat fights often end in death. I had a male cat unneutered that disappeared for at least seven days, I bought a new kitten and he came back same day she arrived.

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I think she got spooked by something. It was a new area

We don’t have many birds of prey or other prey animals thankfully

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Nothing yet. Only dreams of her coming back :pensive:. I’m Evoking a couple entities to help tonight


Thank you, Helena

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I was able to try and call President Marbas today myself. I’m not quite sure if he answered but I stated my request alongside an offering after the job has been completed.

It was a little rushed I think and anxiety ridden but I think he heard me :sweat_smile:

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Did u try bast yet,? Put milk honey,catnip and ask her to give u a clear answer,or sign of u kitty, bcse sometimes they are death, a clear answer is more wat u looking for, do it and pray for 7 days,after tat give some to cats groups,or shelter,the answer be a sign or few.u can Google her pictures a Egyptian godes of cats

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I have reoccurring dreams of my kitty coming back to me. I’ll be calling her tonight. Thank you for the offering ideas. I was like should I give her cat food or wine or??? :sweat_smile:

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I drew out one of her sigils for lost cats specially


What a beautiful cat!

I wish she would come back to you soon!!!


Thank you. Me too :pleading_face:

yes he heard you. you can also chant his enn when you was bored and while chanting, request President Marbas what you want, its helpful.

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I had a friend whose little sister lost their kitty 3 months ago. The sister was devastated, so my friend asked if I would do a tarot reading for the kitty to see what was going on. I pulled a Celtic Cross spread and learned the cat missed his mother and would be coming home soon. My friend nevertheless asked if I would craft a spell for the cat to return more quickly, so I had one prepared to do, but 3 months exactly after the cat’s disappearance (a few days ago), my friend’s mom happened to check a shelter’s Facebook page and saw this kitty that was the same rare breed as theirs. And he was indeed their cat. Reunited!

So my advice is to first consult a divinatory tool to understand your dear kitty’s current situation. If it says she’s returning soon, I wouldn’t use a spell to quicken the process - I think it’s best not to interfere with an already potential outcome that’s very in your favor.

As for the spell I had prepared, I planned to give an offering of catnip to the goddess Bast on Sunday at daybreak, along with a prayer asking Bast to accept my offering and to please guide the kitty home.


Yes. After I felt I had done enough chanting his enn I laid out my request!

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