Please help. Cursed

Can anyone point me to someone or some sort of spell to help clear me of any curses my family may or may not hold? I swear it just feels like there must be one. None of us can ever keep a guy in our lives whether it be relationship or family. My father abandoned me, my grandfather who took his place died too young, my other grandfather too young, my only uncle, and I feel like I actually have the worst luck with men in relationships. It’s like our family repels men. I hate it. The first and second guys I’ve ever kissed? Dead. Can anyone help point me to someone who is seasoned at this sort of thing? Or just help me in general. I can’t handle much more abandonment from them tbh. Like if this is what the rest of my life is going to be like I don’t want it. I feel like there has to be a curse on my family idk. Thanks in advance

Do you have any irish or gaelic blood in your family if so it could be the “Mallacht na baintrí ort or A widow’s curse upon you”. which was popular in older times so you may have to look for a irish or gaelic remedy.


A little bit, yes. Pretty much just have ancestors from all of Europe and then most of Africa according to a DNA test. Irish was on there.


start researching gaelic or irish curse breakers.


Could be Ancestral trauma as well. I can teach you how to project into your aura, find the damage, and heal it. If you want