Please excuse 🙈 this topic is about menstruation, and any advice would be helpful and appreciated

Dong quai is another powerful herb that will help balance your hormones and eliminate excess prostaglandins. Fenugreek is also a very powerful herb. I grind these and create a tincture that I personalize with other herbs like Black Cohosh and Red Clover to keep testosterone low. I started doing this around age 43 when I noticed a painful and slow menses. I’m now 50 and still cycle. If I take a lot of herbs, it becomes so youthful that I can’t sleep the entire night through. I don’t want it to stop because it helps keep my figure and I use it in rituals.

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When I get my period, it is just like yours. It is excruciating. However, I’ve been taking certain measures to make them manageable, and I have noticed a big difference.

I started doing yoga when I got my period (which just ended a few days ago) and I must say that the combination of light exercise and stretching reduced my pain tremendously.

I also juice some ginger, tumeric, and pineapple. Their anti-inflammatory properties prevent me from experiencing too much unbearable pain, especially if I maintain a diet that focuses on foods that reduce inflammation on a daily basis. People don’t realize how much inflammation impacts their bodies, and once I started paying attention to that, my periods became easier.

If you don’t have a juicer, you can buy supplements, either in capsule form or as extracts. Personally I like extracts.

I also drink coconut water during my periods because it has high amounts of potassium, and I tend to get constipated a few days before my period hits and that can add to the pain, and coconut products are a natural laxative.

I also recommend epsom salt baths. Your body absorbs the magnesium in the salt, and magnesium helps a lot with cramps. You can mix some relaxing essential oils into the epsom salt like lavender or whatever you want.

I also recommend taking CBD. I can’t give you a certain brand unless you have a medical card, because I use dispensary CBD, but perhaps someone else here will know.

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Hello! I have heard from some of my female friends who have either completely alleviated their period pain or got rid of at least 70% of it, by going on a low-fat plant-based or vegan diet/lifestyle. They eat very healthy - lots of fruit, veg, beans, grains, etc, and limit the nuts and avos. They got better results when they went oil-free too. It’s a new way of cooking, but it’s easily learned and adapted to. There is so much info online.

Here’s is a youtube video of a doctor that explains why the diet worked/works:

Could be worth trying! Of course, as with going on any new regimen, do your own research and plan meals well. Vegans should take b12 and Vitamin D3. I think fiber helps balance the hormones - removes excess estrogen. With all the fiber, you may feel bloated at first if your body isn’t used to it. There are certain foods /recipes that have less fiber, if you find that you need to ease yourself into it. But make sure you do eat enough and get enough calories! You may want to track it on any calorie counting app. Women should be getting around 2000 a day.

Best of luck!

I have also heard things like cannabis balm on the abdomen (or inside the vag - I can’t be sure, please look it up if you plan to try) can provide some relief.


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