Pictures of Altars

This is my latest altar. An altar to Bune and other various financial spirits.


Fantastic alter. This is similar to what I’m setting up for except not as much things on the table. I may end up coloring the room black too. I want that type of atmosphere at night considering I like to do rituals at night. Only candle light type of energy. However I may add blue LED strips around the entire room since I see satans aura is blue and it’s rather an electrifying color literally. All in all awesome alter. Well done.


Btw way guys this was not my disgusting discolored. Bed


I have some of those books in Kindle format. I’m trying to get these in paperback too. Paper and ink are always better in my opinion.


I’m curious about the cartouche and the pentacle with shax, bune, and seere…

I got that design from another site that has a medallion based on it.

That is from a post from @luxfero.

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Paper books don’t run out of battery :slightly_smiling_face:.




Yeah, that’s definitely King Paimon alright!

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Here is my latest altar:


Astarte sent a white dove at my door to let me know that She wants to work with me.


Beautiful, but that’s a pigeon, isn’t it?

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Don’t know for sure, but doves generally have a more exuberant and fanned out tail than pigeons, just like the one in the pictures. However they share many similarities. Anyway, that birdie had no reason to be there at 7am waiting for me. :joy:


My ever-changing altars:

With flash:

Without flash:

And yes, that is a sardines tin used as an incense holder. The setup is general purpose, but I’ve been using it for jinn magick. (I know, I’m being careful.) The candles, mirror, glass, picture frame, knife, and sardines tin are from a dollar store! The Nag Champa incense is from a corner store, and it’s actually pretty good! Attached to the mirror are Lucifer’s sigil and the Seal of the Sorcerer.

Azazel’s seal of the second gate on one of the candles:

“This second gate is to be placed upon any object in order to connect it to Azazel’s legions, as a type of consecration of that object. Demonic legions and spiritual darkness will then surround the consecrated object and will flow through it.” – The Book of Azazel

I’m using it as a “beacon” to draw Azazel’s legions to the altar.

Another simple altar for a small budget.

@Keteriya Thanks for sharing Luna with us all!


This is the altar on which all my apotheosis and deification of other people goes down… daemonolatry and the assumption of daemonic godform.


I love the wooden wand and what book is on your altar?

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There are silver and purple candles at each end of the table but only I can see them.

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Thanks kind gentleman/ milord. Its the Bible lol nothing fancy at all. Your basic new american standard version

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And what’ve ya got in them drawers mate

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