Pile 2
Dear Pile 2 people,
if you have chosen this spread there is something that urges you to leave a situation alone and start over, now. We have two distinct different directions and paces in this reading: forward (Ace of Wands, Eight of Wands, Scythe and Stork) and standstill (Four of swords, Mountain, Scythe, Coffin). You are currently taking some kind of break or rest from a situation, unsure about how to move on or IF to move on at all (Four of swords).
There is a strong indication that the cause of your current need for withdrawal lies in a conflict between you and (former) loved ones (Five of swords, Knight of Cups, Coffin, Falsche Person/deceitful person, Knight of Cups). Your former social situation with these people lifted you into a position that made you feel highly respected and appreciated; the card “Zu hohen Ehren kommen”/ “getting to high honours” is usually a positive card but it came out together with “Deceitful Person” and this is telling me that your standing would depend on someone elses temper.
After this fallout (for some I sense that this is even a whole group) your sense of social security got damaged and you needed a time out to get yourself sorted out (Four of swords). For one or two people of this group this lost sense of social security is directly connected to either a lost lover (who probably took a good chunk of mutual friends away from you) or another mentally intimate relationship that got manipulative at some point.
Here is the good thing: once you decide to come out of your hibernation process you will be able to start over (Coffin and Clover), switching your stagnant mental position (Stork and Coffin) with something inspiring (Ace of Wands, Eight of Wands, The dissolving light, Metamorph). You will come to new findings about yourself and your surroundings and you will be able to trust your heart about certain situations again.
From the card “The dissolving light” comes the following description: “(…) There will be times in your life - such as now- when there is something not worthy of you that must be released. This is a falsehood, a lie or deception of some sort that you have come to believe about yourself, your life or perhaps even another. You may know what that deception is, or it may be about to be unveiled. It is not a cause for fear or concern, but for celebration. An illusion has or soon will be released, and you shall become freer, free in a way that only truth can provide (…)”
I have pulled an Archetype card for the Pile 2 people. The card is meant to give you access to your most helpful inner archetype for the topic of this pile. Its the character of the Metamorph for you guys:
" The Metamorph will aid you in all of your lifes transitions- from child to adult, from midlife to maturity, and eventually on to your ultimate rite of passage. Inevitably, there will be times when you need to let go of one set of patterns and take on others. Be it home, friends or lovers, change is inevitable.; the Metamoph will assist your leap into the unknown.
He is a master of all rites of passages, the oil between the cogs smoothing the wheels turning and the cement between the bricks holding the structure firm. Let him direct you when you are unsure. Allow him to take your hand and show you which stepping stone you might next trust to support your weight. The Wolf may be well skilled at leading you through the complicated and confusing trails ahead of you, but the Metamorph is the one you will need to overcome the fears and anxieties that freeze your will. He is the gryphon with feline limbs and eagles wings who will propel you across the gaping chasm to your next landing. And at the end of the road he is the kindly concierge who will open the gates of the caravanserai - that garden sanctuary where you can leave behind the burden of your possessions and step into the infinite spaces between stars."