Physical sight, astral sight, and... something else?

So all or most of us are very familiar with physical sight, the sight we derive from our physical eyeballs. I’d guess most of us are familiar with astral sight as well, the sight we derive from our third eye…

But I’ve been experiencing something lately that makes me wonder about a third sight beyond those two. I’ve read somewhere that sunyata can be used to see and it is in some ways “superior” to sight via ajna. But I’m unsure of what distinguishes the qualities and/or the experience of the two.

The phenomenon that makes me curious about what’s actually going on here is that I’ve noticed many times during meditation that I can visualize a layer that sort of overlaps with physical sight (or rather, superimposes itself on top of the perception of physical sight) making it easy to, for instance, imagine that my ritual dagger is engulfed in flame. But there seems to be a third layer that is entirely separate from these other two. One that, in fact, seems to pull much more awareness from the other two sights than the overlapping second sight does from the physical.

It’s easy for me to go through entire rituals visualizing tools glowing, sigils becoming portals, myself having scales or horns, chalices overflowing with blood, spirits meandering about the temple… But it feels much more difficult, if not impossible, to access this third layer and be able to operate in either of the other two simultaneously.

It’s not too difficult to see all three layers at once, but things like physical visual focus, depth perception, and balance seem to become subdued or distorted, making interacting with the physical environment impossible or at least impractical while maintaining this threefold vision.

I don’t know if what I’m experiencing is all three, sight through the physical, ajna, and sunyata, or if I’m simply using my ajna in ways that I wasn’t expecting were possible; dividing its processing power into two separate layers.

Anyone experience anything like this or have any insight?


To be honest, I’m not sure if it’s on the same level as yours… but when I “see” something noncorporeal it’s almost as if it’s with your eyes. But more like the image comes into the back of your head through your eyes. You see it, but it… feels differently. I guess is a way to say it.

And it doesn’t happen often. I pretty much consider myself blind.


yeah that sounds like the overlapping second sight

the third sight that i’m talking about is like if you had another set of eyeballs, but they were in an entirely different room than the one you are in.

like, what I was doing during meditation this morning was staring at my computer chair, visualizing myself holding a book in front of me with arms outstretched, and also visualizing myself in some torch-lit cavern, holding another book in front of me.

the view of the chair became blurry and unfocused and my physical eyes started wandering involuntarily as my mundane sight started to fade somewhat, and the overlapping book moved along with the wandering physical sight, but the third view, the one in the cavern, was unmoved by the other two, and became, in fact, much more vivid as my focus left the physical sight.

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If Sunyata is the Void, then here is my conjecture based on experience.

I’ve been trying to visualize, and I try to make it feel more “real”. I try to bring forward a certain light to translate thought into materiality. When I do that, it makes it easier for me to immerse myself in the experience as if it were actually real.

That, and my solar plexus started glowing hot.

When I came across what was said about the Black Light of Sorath which light the way for the light that is seen, I realized that what I might have been doing without thinking about it was using the Black Light to “see” the image as being real. Seeing as how the Black Light comes from the Black Flame/Sun, I think there might be something here. As I understand it, the Black Flame/Sun is the essence of the Void.

You talk about Sunyata, and these are just my thoughts. I

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so what youre saying, if im understand correctly, is that what i’m talking about with the three layers is that the first is physical, the second is astral, and the third is also astral but with an added element making it more real or tangible?

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I’m saying that the “third sight” is more like dissolving the barrier between thought and experience, which doesn’t necessarily need to take place on another level.

It could just be that certain visualizations that are becoming more “real” take energy away from the other visualizations you may have.

But essentially yes.

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but then, if dissolving that barrier were to make thought and experience blur together, why would the second and third sights still feel separate and distinguishable?

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I feel that it doesn’t do away with the layers more than it transmutes the specific thoughts you’re focusing on.

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ok so then youre of the mind that the ajna can split its “processing power” and separately visualize two different thoughts at the same time? and that which ever of the three layers holds your focus is the one that will feel the most real?

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I’m more saying that there is a certain element that can be added to thoughts that can make them feel as if you’re really experiencing them in that moment, and that it can conflict with other sights you might have.

It’s like trying to go somewhere while leaving your eyeballs behind.

I haven’t tried to visualize in the way that you have done, with multiple layers, but that is my conjecture.

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try it out! it’s pretty wild.

for best results, do it after youre somewhat in trance

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Newbie here.
How do you do such magickal things?

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makes you feel like a chameleon or a spider or some shit with more advanced vision than ours hehe

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to get in trance without external tools, i put all of my focus on a single visualization (usually an unmoving, static object, like a book) and maintain it as my physical vision, tactile sense, and proprioceptive sense start to distort. Then, try adding that third layer while still maintaining the visualization that got you into trance. I imagine it would be easiest if the third layer is very similar to the second.


it’ll almost feel like you start seeing the second layer with your physical eyes while your actual physical vision gets even more blurred and faded and dreamlike, and the third layer will be as vivid as your physical vision normally is

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note to self: i should start a project where i challenge myself to see how many layers i can maintain simultaneously
for science! :woman_scientist::chart_with_upwards_trend::microscope:

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Imagine being able to visualize Infinity itself.

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fuck yeah :sunglasses:

though i imagine actually doing that while still in a meat suit would result in a severe case of head-explodey :exploding_head:


Our True Head is the Void! And the Void beholds Infinity in every moment! :triumph::metal:


cant argue with that lol