Physical Magick

What is Physical Magick i keep looking and i cant seem to find the answer to this or i have a general idea but just need to confirm

Two options are that this term means 1) “Ceremonial magick”, as opposed to one performed only with visualization etc., 2) “Natural magick” either as the basic level of the Occult, which may sometimes feature visualization or the branch dealing with the 4 elements: their energies, applications in magick itself and everyday life…


I can’t find anything that doesn’t appear to be fantasy game based with a quick google search. But the term makes me think of types of magic that would either use physical items or physical activity to move the energy with intent.

For example as you are walk telling yourself that every step brings your ex love back to you. That would link the steps to the ex and then every time you took a step, you’d be sending energy to the goal you set.

Or performing a folk magic spell- most of the time the actions direct the energy and intent. Like when I am making banishing papers, while I dip the paper in my herbal water I’m thinking about how the paper will make whatever is written on it just flow away, like the water off the paper.

I don’t know what the correct answer is, or if it’s even a real thing tbh, but magic can be driven by physical activity to direct the intent correctly to your subconscious, even if you have no experience or your senses aren’t stupid strong, so it does make me think of these types of workings.

Oh and that’s not even considering sympathetic magic, which can use a personal physical link to the target. (But doesn’t necessarily have to)


Okay got it thanks

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Thanks for the response