Photo question from ritual: The Dead Who Haunt Us (from Dante Abiel's Necromantic Sorcery: Forbidden Rites of Death Magick)

As far as I can tell, there are dozens & dozens, if not hundreds of spirits gathered in that area.

• When doing such a Ritual or when One Announces a General Invitation,

One Must choose their words Wisely while simultaneously being Firm with the Intent. If Not, Traffic can get Busy & “Trickster” spirits can make their way to the front lines.
This may become a problem if things are taken for granted because you may get answered by them rather than the targeted spirit.

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Thank you for your time and help!
Yeah it’s a massive cemetery and I haven’t gone back in a couple nights now. Just resting up and catching up on much needed sleep but was thinking about going back tonight. I remember I got sick the first time so I always ask beelzebub to accompany me now, for protection and guidance, because he was probably the first demon I worked with extensively and felt “right” for the job unless there’s someone else you’d recommend? I’m going to pick my words more carefully and perhaps do better protections.
What other key advice, If any, would you say to keep in mind if I go back tomorrow night (got no on pendulum reading for tonight) for such a busy place?

Honestly, I’m unfamiliar with and not sure what you’re trying to do.

• However, I will say this ; If you’re doing a Ritual/ceremony, there will be parts of it that will attract a variety of different spirits unrelated to your interest and may intercept your offerings & misidentify themselves and you may accidently proceed prematurely And Not get the results you want.
• Just make sure the wording used in invitations are specific and Taylored for your ceremony/invitation, etc…
Czar, I Hope this helps.

• I’m sure there’s someone more qualified than I that can aid you and provide you with tips that will enhance your experience.

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Thank you!! This all helps a lot. Thank you for taking the time to look at the photos too and offer me advice :slight_smile:

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