Pets going NUTS

When you deal with well known beings such as Lucifer Naamah or King Paimon do you notice that your pets go a little… nuts? Either within a few hours or the next couple days
My first thought is that whatever my German Shepherd is growling like crazy at would be some sort of parasite or nonfriendly. She’s going crazy running all over the house, the hair on her neck, back and shoulders standing straight up. But it only happens after I get done working with Lucifer and Lilith. Would they get this kind of reaction from her?


I wanna know What people have to say about this. I have cats and fish I want them to be happy. Anyone with experience here?


I wanna know what people say too!!! Jeesh c’mon people :unamused:


I would imagine so.
With angels, my cat is content.
With demons, absolutely not.
I trust animals more than humans, so that tells me something.

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Recently I have been meditating alternately to Lucifer & Dantalion at different times to help me with something involving a bad neighbor that Im trying to get rid of, and I keep having this black cat trying to attack my calico during my meditations. Either during my meditation or sometime afterwards. This happens right outside the wall where I’m meditating. The last time this happened, I went outside to break them up from fighting by clapping my hands real loud and when I did this both cats just broke away & scrambled into the dark. 24 hours later my cat came back home with her leg all torn open. I felt like this was a no answer on my request to Lucifer or something, but unfortunately my cat is still hurt pretty bad. I hope my meditation isent responsible for this & the whole thing is just a coincidence but I highly doubt it.


That’s really interesting… makes me really really think about a couple things. Maybe I’ll talk about it later.

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I think it depends on the animal, much like how certain people have an affinity towards one spirit or another, animals will act accordingly to certain spirits. My cat loves to cuddle up while I’m meditating or other wise working with qliphotic spirits and energies.


My dogs don’t like when I evoke any entities. My cat doesn’t mind at all. Go figure. I’ve only had them really freak out like what you’re talking about when I had dark gods or poltergeist activity show up. I think animals just wig out when weird stuff happens, or high energy they’re not familiar with.


This is what i’d expect from having a demon in the home but my weirdo cat tries to get attention from both me and whoever I’ve called.

I’ve honestly never had an animal get upset before but i do work with a lot of animal spirits that come and go so maybe the other beings are not that much different to my little babies.


I think the energies point is a good reason for the behavior.
Dogs and cats in particular are sensitive to something. Not just my pets, but others as well, before I even delved into magic, went crazy over things no humans could see.
These are just my opinions however.


Just my experience- I practice in my basement in a now spare unused bedroom with the windows black paneled over- sometimes I’ll crack it if I feel sunlight is warranted but still doing my best as neighbors need not know my business and houses are very close. When I perform they’re dogs start barking out the window adjacent from my basement window. I mean bat shit. My girlfriends dog is a mellow one. Her dog is always grrrrrrrrrring at me and starring and barking out of nowheres. Sometimes when she’s not around or looking I stare back at him with eyes as wide open as possible starting into his and he goes absolutely batshit. She always says what the fuck is it with you he only does that to you. He does eventually stop though when you tell him to be quiet.

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When I evoked Bast, my cat and a guest cat were present. One, named Lupin, represented the lunar energy of Ubesti’s origins and the other, Hunter, represented her solar aspect. They were very mellow the whole time.

Hunter is my little familiar-in-training. Most of the time, he “nopes out” after a few minutes. Post-ritual, he has a habit of looking at things, eyes all widened, that are apparently right behind me. Lol.


Dang that’s crazyyyy! Your girlfriends sweet. I have a rule that says if my dog don’t approve then you oUt! She doesn’t like anyone, we have that in common, but she likes my boyfriend. She doesn’t even bark when she sees his car. She barks at Every car!

Yeah. I can relate to this thread alright !

I have been working with Bael for a number of months. Our cat started sleeping outside and slept out there for a couple of months, coming inside only for meals.

A month ago I realised that she may not understand the interactions she is seeing so I told her very clearly that the spirits I work with are friends. When I told her that King Bael is my friend and is invited I could see she understood. She has not been scared or looked into my aura with big wide eyes for a few weeks now. :slight_smile:

Oh, and she is sleeping back inside with us. :smile:


Animals are very sensitive to energies and would often react when they sense a disturbance in their familiar surroundings. So it makes sense fitness your pets to react that way especially if it’s energy that’s very foreign to them or that they perceive to be different in a way that they find strange

@C.Kendall can tell you how many times my cat interrupts my rituals because she’s curious as then scurries off when she senses the energy building in my temple

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Hell yeah brother :joy:

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Once when I was making contact with Lucifer, 2 stupid dumb dogs appeared out of nowhere at my window and started to bark very loud and those fuckers woke me up from my deep trance… And it happened again that once when I was thinking about trying to make contact with Azazel, some stupid cats appeared at my window and were screaming like they were cut by a knife, it fucking scared me! It lasted some good minutes and it was hard to me after to fall asleep… And also I gave up to the idea of making contact with Azazel and maybe be led to some very interesting things or knowledge. (just like he did in the past)

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Evey time a spirit was near, my pets would start staring at things that weren’t there. They’ve never actually lost their minds though.

But when I met Asmodeus for the first time, all of the dogs in the neighborhood went nuts.