Personal Experiences with Reiki or Energy Work

What all experiences do you have with reiki and energy work? Let’s discuss in this thread.

I was initiated in reiki (grade 1 and2 )and I hated every minute of it. I think my reiki instructor wasn’t really a decent person, and I had to cut myself of from that current.
It did work though, I could use reiki to heal others . It made me sick though. I don’t know why. It was like an allergy.

I have 1st and 2nd grade of reiki and i have only positive experiences from it. As I’m doing it to myself i can certainly say that my aura has been more "strong ", thick lets say which means im not so vulnerable in the “evil eye” if you know whst i mean. I feel more protected and not receptive anymore in negative energies.
My intuition have been increased incredibly but i dont know if it happened because of reiki or because of the spiritual encounters i have had.
Also when i did some healing sessions to friends of mine i got only positive feedback…

maybe try another system? There’s plenty of free systems online where it is just like a remote energy download. No need for a teacher or guru or any of that nonsense. We’ve seen too often how gurus try to exploit their students. Best to just learn on your own, you are your own best guru.

That’s also how i’m feeling, much stronger energy, more stable. Like I don’t get bothered by stuff like I used to. So reiki is a very good path for personal power.

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