Paying escorts to practice sex magick

I plan on paying escorts to practice sex magick, casting spells and calling spirits and the reason why I plan on doing that is because beating my meat is mundane to me now. I believe that’s why I haven’t been effective.

Now I don’t want to harm anyone nor be harmed myself, and my morals keeps battling itself between what is right or wrong.

I thought I’d consort the great Balg and read your thoughts on it, since I don’t see any other posts on hiring escorts for sex magick I’m not sure if this is acceptable, so I apologize if I broke any rules here.


Excellent, lots of them are interested in witchcraft and some of them are beloved by Satan and lots of demonic forces. Your workings will be very powerful


In sex magick, there are generally two schools of thought: One believes that, to be most effective, both participants should be aware of what magick is being worked, and the other is that it is more effective when they remain unaware. Aleister Crowley was a big proponent of the latter, and treated his “Scarlet Women” as disposable vessels.

As far as hiring escorts goes, you will have to decide which school of sex magick you subscribe to, and then plan your magick along those lines. Since you are hiring professionals, I think either method will work fine.


Personally, I would not let them know, because you’ll never know how they react.

But you can practice in secret with them


I see it more critically. The escorts are most likely inexperienced in Sex Magick how are they supposed to cope with the released energy? What if the escort gets obsessed, what do you want to do then? What if your vibrations don’t harmonize with each other? Sex Magick is a branch of Magick that produces quick results, but sexual energy is also very wild and primal and difficult to control. Sex Magick can also turn into dynamite, explode or cause a major energetic fire. Just as quickly as it works, it can also cause damage and you will be karmically responsible if something happens to the escort lady because she is uninitiated and is not able to understand what she is getting into and what is happening to her.


Aleister Crowley did drive a couple of his Scarlet Women insane…


Fuck Crowley, he might have been smart but he was also a maniac


I believe that was Crowleys plan my friend :thinking:


I’d say just tell them what you are doing and planning to do. If they are actually professionals I promise you they have had stranger requests than that.


Thanks for your advice, guys. I appreciate it very much.

I don’t know about keeping it to myself I had trouble going through that in my mind, driving them insane (causing them harm) isn’t something I’d want to do. I think the best approach would be to tell them what I’m doing and what I’m planning. Its probably more important that they are willing to go through a ritual rather than not knowing what I’m doing then freaking out.

And I do agree they’ve probably had stranger requests, also I’ve already said in my profile details that I’m a practitioner of LHP so they might have some idea what I would request from them.

I’m going to take note of what you said and do more research on it before I do anything. I’d rather they be safe.


Not unless you lend credulity to the veracity of karmic blowback which I do not it’s really a Christian/RHP spurious concept

I’ve never heard that before wouldn’t it be the exact opposite (if you were to harm another initiate the spirits might get angry but they would be more insouciant about harming a mundane)

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I’m not sure if I missed this in previous posts on this thread. But since this has been bumped up and for anyone else considering this…

Be 100% forthcoming about your intentions when you order an escort for sex magick.
Don’t forget they’re also just human beings and especially with a profession like that have to deal with their share of creepy and/ or downright disgusting people more than any of us. No need to traumatize someone and just push them into something that might seem like something that never ever ends well in any horror movie they’ve ever watched…

If you don’t care about it, then at least consider it for the karmic repercussions of traumatizing another human being for your (magickal) gains

Karma is not a mere RHP concept :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Although there are many misconceptions about it, in my opinion, it is not much more mystical than the universal law of cause and effect.


It’s not exactly immoral, but paying for sex by itself is sticking your neck. Asking them to participate in occult rituals would definitely backfire socially if you’re not careful. Sure, there are plenty who are into this stuff but 1) you better find out who does and doesn’t before you even ask, and 2) if you do find someone who’s willing, you better make sure you’re safe and in control, and that she feels safe and in control. I personally wouldn’t.

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This reminds me of a scene in the book Lamb where Jesus (yes, that Jesus, called Josh in the book) and his friend Biff decide Josh needs to learn about sin, so they go to a brothel. Josh sits alone in a stall while Biff, in the next stall over, knows the women and gives a running commentary about what, exactly, constitutes the nature of sin.

Just to expound a bit on this point: In other words, a choice between a Cohort Study and a Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial, the latter being the one that would produce the more scientifically sound data.

The issue with the experiment here would be ethics. Even in a double blind RCT, the subjects are aware of what is going on and of the risks associated with taking part in the study.

I am a bit disappointed the OP left us hanging. I’d like to know if he went through with it, what course of action he took, and what the results were. For science, of course.