Parallel Universes and Learning Void From Myself

Now, having read Brain Magick by Philip Farber, and reflecting on the interview with Robert Bruce - I thought I would mix some of what I learned in both and see what I could get going.
I plugged in the concept of parallel universes and this is what I got.

From this very moment the universe will split into as many possibilities as is conceivable. So, I figured, if parallel universes are real (and apparently they absolutely are), there should be a version somewhere that ends with me having come across the exact methods and instruction where I was able to achieve the 10 minute mark of pure void meditation within one week.

I meditated down, and I began to search for the 1 week old future me who sprang from my current universe and was able to completely master the 10 minute void mediation by the end of 1 week of study and practice.

I kid you guys not - maybe Iā€™m just dull in this respect, but the 10 min. void meditation has got to be the toughest fucking undertaking I have ever tried.

At any rate - I ended up making contact with the alter-me who had mastered void meditation from 1 week of where I was.

I received a stream of information. Now, Iā€™ll post the response in a minute, but the main point of this thread post is to 1) hopefully get a few of you guys to try this out too and so we can get a solid understanding of how effective this method is, and 2) ā€¦ well ā€¦ maybe there is no ā€œ2ā€, but hey. Anyone willing to try this? Pick out a skill that youā€™ve been having some trouble with, contact an alter-you from a branch of dimension that started from where you are now who was able to come across the exact material and practices that enabled him/her to master said skill in the time frame specified. Be it a week, a month, or a year.

At any rate - more for your entertainment, this is the instruction I received. I will let you know in a weeks time if it is legitimate information, and if I was able to master void meditation in a weeks time. :slight_smile:

From, Alter-Future-Void-Mastered-Me:

  1. Thoughts are based on emotions (Something I already had concluded). Therefore, balance your emotions before you exercise.
  2. Re-enforce your thought-space visually. Add support, qualities, etc.
  3. Create subconscious entities to work within your subconscious mind and keep thoughts from getting too close to the border of the conscious thought-space.
  4. Minimize window of opportunity via selective response. Know which thought types occur most often and know how to immediately neutralize them.
  5. Your conscious mind is reacting to what your subconscious mind is doing
  6. Donā€™t rely on will power. Play the game and use tricks and smarts
  7. Oriack: Approve or Improve (no clue what this meansā€¦)
  8. Perform a banishing ritual for thoughts instead of entities
  9. Thereā€™s something in everything, donā€™t forget that. (again, not too sure of the meaning of this one)
  10. Practice as much as possible.
  11. Relax into it - no worries - void the thought like youā€™d use a VOID stamp
  12. Repeat - relax - enjoy - state! (I think this is in reference to what state of mind to be in, instead of being uptight about having such a hard fucking time with this, to just let it roll and ride the wave)
  13. Trick your mind into the response you desire. Program it.

Anyway - rock nā€™ roll! \m/


DK, you just gave me a brilliant idea. One thing Iā€™ve been toying with in my head is to try to make contact with a person/being who has mastered the god state in the physical realm, such as a grey alien or one of the shapeshigfting sorcerors from the carlos casteneda books. But my one concern is often such beings have certain agendas that may not be compatible with my own. But what better being would there be to contact then myself. I think I will look into finding a version of me who has acheived all that I would like to do and see if that indevidual would be willing to take me on as a student. Since the other me will have mastered the god state stepping beyond dimensional barriers should even be doable. Once that occult event my teacher has been planning to do happens I will try to make contact there since Iā€™ll be in a heigteed state perfect for stuff like this.

Also what exactly is your method in contacting the alter you?

Good question, I should have mentioned that.
I start by holding my thumb up and telling myself that at the count of 3 I will either move it left, or move it right. But I donā€™t make my mind up until I hit 3.
So I hit 3 and made the decision right then and there which way to move it. Say I choose left, I then immediately ā€œfeelā€ for the next closest me that chose to move it right. It is an odd sensation when you catch it. You can feel yourself in a very personal way. Something like how other people perceive you energetically. Then you use that sensation, and search for the future you through meditation that has all the attributes youā€™re looking for. That part is just a simple meditative search since now you have the sensation of how to feel yourself in another timeline.

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DK are you trying to reach the ten minute void state in order to cross the timeline more effectively or are you experimenting with crossing the timeline to ā€˜catch the other youā€™ in order to be able to learn the void state more effectively? If that makes sense? Im not sure what the end game isā€¦Maybe as I have not heard the Bruce Interviewā€¦

A bit of a synchronicity here as this morning I listened to last weeks interview on Truth Frequency radio with Alfred Webre which was all about parrallel timelines and time travel, then i saw this post.

Iā€™m going to have to practice your technique. I sort of have a technique for interacting with other meā€™s. It was something I did when experimenting with psychic vampirism. Since I figured the astral tendril should be able to go anywhere, I visualized a version of me that wouldnā€™t be dangerous that I could try taking energy from and it seemed to work.

lol - no, the 12 second mark of void is Dharana, the second mark to hit in void is 2.4 minutes which is dhyana, and the third mark is the 28.8 minute mark and this is what is called Samadhi or ecstasy.
So - Iā€™m just stepping through what seems to me as landmarks on the way to the ~30 minute mark. This is also a required mastery in IIH.

[quote=ā€œDK The Mage, post:1, topic:427ā€]From, Alter-Future-Void-Mastered-Me:

  1. Thoughts are based on emotions (Something I already had concluded). Therefore, balance your emotions before you exercise.
  2. Re-enforce your thought-space visually. Add support, qualities, etc.
  3. Create subconscious entities to work within your subconscious mind and keep thoughts from getting too close to the border of the conscious thought-space.
  4. Minimize window of opportunity via selective response. Know which thought types occur most often and know how to immediately neutralize them.
  5. Your conscious mind is reacting to what your subconscious mind is doing
  6. Donā€™t rely on will power. Play the game and use tricks and smarts
  7. Oriack: Approve or Improve (no clue what this meansā€¦)
  8. Perform a banishing ritual for thoughts instead of entities
  9. Thereā€™s something in everything, donā€™t forget that. (again, not too sure of the meaning of this one)
  10. Practice as much as possible.
  11. Relax into it - no worries - void the thought like youā€™d use a VOID stamp
  12. Repeat - relax - enjoy - state! (I think this is in reference to what state of mind to be in, instead of being uptight about having such a hard fucking time with this, to just let it roll and ride the wave)
  13. Trick your mind into the response you desire. Program it.

Anyway - rock nā€™ roll! \m/[/quote]

manā€¦ how the fuck did you do thisā€¦
these postulates of yours are awesome. ESPECIALLY no.6. this i get. 1 and 5 were ā€œAHAā€ for me, so thanks for that,

and be sure to explain no.7 when you get the understanding. which might be soon.

eh, only one time, i had a dream of myself saying to me: ā€œadam, you cannot understand with your mind that which the mind is.ā€ and the visualization of a sphere turning inside out.

[quote=ā€œbahamuthat, post:7, topic:427ā€]and be sure to explain no.7 when you get the understanding. which might be soon.

eh, only one time, i had a dream of myself saying to me: ā€œadam, you cannot understand with your mind that which the mind is.ā€ and the visualization of a sphere turning inside out.[/quote]

I will for sure :slight_smile:
also ā€¦ thatā€™s some deep shit man. haha love it!

I just wanted to thank you for this topic. I grasped the concept immediately and replicated the method of holding out my thumb, stating that i would move it in one direction at the count of three. The first thing I noticed is that there was that which I will describe as an ā€˜elementā€™ of ā€˜meā€™ that chose not to do this exercise. I felt it and connected with it. I then did the thumb exercise and at the count of 3 chose the direction which I didnā€™t expect myself to. I felt the element of myself which chose the other direction and connected with it. I asked myself why these different elements of myself chose to do different things and received a long download of information which branched in to many other topics which I have barely even touched on yet.

I had always rejected the idea of parallel universes because in a sense it just seemed so far fetched, but also because I didnā€™t want to believe it. The game of life can already seem so complex without adding such another concept to my mind. This time I decided to follow it.

The most profound understanding which I realized and internalized were that anything and everything is possible and that there is already an element of myself which has chosen and succeeded in that endeavour.
I had already come to the conclusion previously that life is a series of choices, many of which we make without being consciously aware of them. From the most mundane aspects of life to the most complex, everything is a choice and you must first become aware of those choices.

Another concept which I had previously encountered though rejected due to my ego was that complete and honest duality is the only true path to godhood. Dissolution of social conditioning and the ego-mindā€™s grasp on yourself is paramount. One must view everything with no prejudice, seeing things as they truly are and not as you wish or expect to see them. Good and evil are extremes which are to be avoided, there is only action and subsequent reaction. The choice of sides is an illusion, one should work with all manner of being and embody everything that they represent.

I have already written too much, iā€™m sure that I could write a million words however I felt that something should be given back.

I am already a living god, I must now simply realise it.

Mind = blown. Once again, many thanks.


Terakhul - thanks for sharing that, excellent experience! There is so much to learn, as you have indicated, having any form of bias or being predisposed to any one particular paradigm is a damn in the river to ascent.
I actually devised the thumb technique based on an actual scientific study where a laser was used to detect the quantum fluctuations of the next closest universe.
What they did was, set up a laser with a pushbutton and a timer. The told the person at the button to basically do the same thing. Donā€™t decide to push it until the timer hits 0.
So, they performed a number of tests, many where the button was pushed, and many where it was not. What was interesting was that when the button was NOT pushed, they STILL got a reading from the laser detector as if it had been fired. The theory is that the universes, at that point, are still so close, that the quantum fluctuations produced by the laser in the other universe seeped through and caused the detector to go off anyway.

Today I tried a new meditation technique to try to get under deeper and it worked decently well. While doing so I tried doing the thumb trick, I think I could kind of sense the other me if just a little bit. I probably need to work on this a bit more. Iā€™m going to try my new meditation tonight when I try calling Grahatalion.

I was influenced by these ideas in my morning meditation today. I could not slow down my brain it was firing on all cylindersā€¦ I tried to get in touch with the other me in a parallel universe Who was shit hot at achieving zen quietness of mind. I got the impression to anthropomorphasise my thoughts into an animal then visualise the animal temporarily caged in a soundproof box. I made my thoughts into a small twitchy rodent running around like it was on speed,then placed it in a soundproof box. I quickly got into a profound theta state deeper than usual which I maintained for 20 minutes as I tuned in (I believe) to the me who was really good at this.