Paid rituals - the process of manifesting results/what to expect?

Specifically talking about demonic black magic here. Wasn’t sure if I should post here or in the black magic category.

Has anyone here had a spell cast by a professional witch?
And noticed a difference to working on your own? I personally have no real experience with (consciously) working with entities. Though I seem to have unconsciously channelled them but that’s another topic.

I’ve come across some offerings that are interesting to me.
Now from the reviews they seem to be genuine and that they bring real results and apparently you don’t really have to do anything other than pay for the spell caster to do all the work. Ofc you need to align your real life actions and mindset with the goal as much as possible, but as far as the ritual magic goes I mean.
Now this seems a bit at odds with what I’ve read and heard of how demons work, that it’s that easy. That the desired goal more or less manifests on its own.
They teach you by highlighting and making conscious your shadows, that which is in opposition to your goal and why you contacted them, thus kickstarting a focused and accelerated process of growth, that isn’t necessarily comfortable and easy.
Also read that if you aren’t in a stable place in your life and mental health this can backfire because you might get confronted with things you aren’t able to handle.

But I was thinking that if you have an experienced skilled practitioner cast a spell for you, this might be different and perhaps less trials and discomfort involved and more immediate results.
I am interested in practicing magic myself but for now, after having tried classic ,manifesting’ and other methods to get rid of inner blocks and create change for a while without satisfying results, or without really feeling the alignment with those methods to pursue further, I am more interested in getting results fast, and demons seem to be a potent force to help achieve your goals.

I am curious to hear about your experiences and thoughts.

(Is it allowed to mention the source which offers the ritual I’m interested in, or is that seen as advertisement? Just wondering if anyone would have anything to say about their services)

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I havent payed for such a service personally, but Ive talked to a few people who have and all it brought them was the loss of money, sadness and frustration. So I cant necessarily recommend that step to you.

I think this is true, but you are sane enough to heed that warning so in my eyes that already makes you less likely to fall victim to it.
I personally believe that you can learn magick while in a bad state if you respect your boundaries and don’t do something stupid.
It will probably take you longer than the average person (which, I know you really hate to hear right now) but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

I think it’s important to find ones own way and if you’re convinced that paying for such a service is what you want to do, then you should do it despite my warning. There are likely some genuine people out there, but the amount of scammers is just infinitely greater.
Whichever way you decide, I hope it works out for you!


We are not discussing third party vendors by name and their quality of work, per the rules :grinning: Thanks for checking in on that first.

My experiences with paid services are quite mixed, actually!

I haven’t paid too often for ritual services but almost every reading service I have ever paid for was somewhat subpar. There are three exceptions in five years of checking in with such services :smiley: The best readings I have received have always been in the spirits of free practice on this board, funnily enough. Maybe I am super critical because I am doing readings myself in my free time and I can detect when someone is telling me stuff I’d simply want to hear :sweat_smile:

My best paid service experience was actually a collaboration in between the practicioner and me. They allowed me to handle their approach to my request pro-actively, they involved me into the groundwork (like picking ingredients and carrier mediums) and we discussed a reasonable time frame.

I am more of a DIY kind of person when it comes to magick, so maybe I would have experienced a real difference in terms of pace and effects, if I would have let the practicioner do their thing completely on their own :face_with_monocle: BUT it was a big success, their approach was quite different to mine, which was probably the key element to the ritual working so fast in the first place.

I’d say that getting into the craft yourself will also polish your “vibe check” in terms of if a collaboration with another practicioner might bring good results. You might find your “household staple” when it comes to third party workings and this will not only save you a big amount of money but it will also challenge your own approaches and thinking patterns :smiley:


I’ve had paid rituals done for me twice by very reputed ones that most people would know here as well , both failed after showing some signs .
I never believed or thought they could fail , as it wasn’t for something out of reach or hard .
One thing I learned from the whole thing: if your own magick isn’t working with a certain thing, getting a professional to do it wouldn’t either.

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I have had some phenomenal experiences via paid rituals. I have also had a few failures. This all comes down to the practitioners personal abilities/skill set. There is a well known and respected practitioner that is mentioned somewhat frequently on this forum. I can’t say the name unfortunately. But he would be my go to hire hands down. Be very careful of places like Etsy. There must be a 10:1 ratio of scammers to legitimate listings. It can be difficult to sort out who is for real and who is full of shit if you don’t understand how these things work to begin with. If you have a good understanding of how a ritual should go, you can usually figure out if it is worth the money or not.


Hi, can you please DM me the name of that practitioner.

Well I found someone on Etsy who seems to be legit, he has over 700 mostly positive reviews that seem to be genuine, or at least I hope so…