Hello, everyone. I’d like to share to you a divination method from our folk culture. For ages, this practice has been employed by albularyos or folk healers/witch doctors to diagnose illnesses, peep into the future, and detect psychic attacks or possessions.
Pagtatawas comes from the root word tawas, which is the Filipino word for alum (yes, the crystal deodorant). This literally means ‘the use of alum.’ In our culture, this ubiquitous, water-soluble crystal is believed to have a score of magickal properties, one of which is divination.
The original method requires the albularyo make a sign of the cross on each of the client’s afflicted body parts using the tawas crystal. The albularyo may also whisper prayers or orations while doing so. The tawas is then heated over a fire until it cracks, after which it is immediately dropped into a basin of water. Finally, the albularyo interprets the shape the molten tawas forms.
Through the decades, pagtatawas has almost completely omitted the use of tawas and has replaced the crystal with a white candle. The albularyo asks a question while holding the lighted candle and lets the wax drip onto a basin of water. Sometimes, the albularyo uses a spoon to collect the molten wax first before pouring it into the water. The albularyo may also make the client hold the candle first. In any case, it is always the albularyo who drips or pours the wax into the basin and interprets the new shape it takes.
Of course, as with all magickal practices, this is subject to innovation and customization. I personally like to smudge my space with lavender beforehand, anoint the candle with divination oil, mix the water with a little shaved camphor or Florida Water, and ask my spirit guide and higher self for help in interpreting the results.
Try it and share your findings!
When I replace the crystal with the white candle, does this part still take place (with the candle instead)?:
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I’m not sure if they do that in the candle method, but no harm in trying I guess? In theory, it may only add potency to the process because you’re invoking God.
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I will try this method out over the weekend, then. I am currently in the middle of a multi layered healing working for somebody and I already have some tendencies from my own divinations. I am curious what this will add to the bigger picture
Thank you for sharing!
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No problem! Can’t wait to hear your feedback, and more power to your healing work!
Are you a Filipino, too?
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No, I’m sorry 
Thank you, I think I will go with the candle method plus the sign of the cross on the body part in question. I will use a photograph, as the target will recover from a surgery at this point and I don’t want to make things weird in the hospital 
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I am interpreting these shapes as some kind of overwhelming influence or pressure that the target is about to feel during their treatment (conglomerate of different shaped wax plates from the right forming a barrier towards the center of the bowl). In the center of the bowl I am identifying the shape of a heart, which makes me think that the healing could be difficult if the target lets this pressure take a toll on their mental health.
As the target is indeed a very sensitive person that picks up on energies and vibes rather quickly (with all those negative aspects) and that tends to overthink a lot, I will take into consideration to shield them from any form of mental overstraining during the next stages of their treatment.
Thank you again for sharing this divination practice; if I’ll get my fingers on alum crystals in the near future I will try the more traditional approach 
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Go, girl. Get well soon to your friend.
Also, may I suggest that you have you friend checked up for heart-related conditions like blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. Kinda literal interpretation, but hey, one can never be too sure.
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Thank you very much for your advice, I really appreciate it
No worries here, as they are currently in a very serious treatment program (cancer); they have been checked inside and out and they will receive regular check ups in the context of monitoring their health during these treatments.
My physical health working is partly dedicated to prevent metastatic growths but I will add a mental health factor as well, now 
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