Pact with Lady Naamah

Following up with last night. I brought forth my pact to Lady Naamah just a few hours ago and I think it worked out well. I called her via Qliphothic Evocation as she told me. Although I couldn’t see her I felt she was speaking through me just like last night. I brought the pact before her and after I read it to her. Much like last night, the candle sparked again as a sign that she was there. She told me to sign the pact with my magical name and seal it with my blood. After which from what I was getting. She told me to fold the pact 3 times and place it in the scrying bowl that I was using which was filled with a dark red wine. Since the bowl was acting as a portal though it would make sense. She received and said that she was somehow breveaing life into it. Like making it a focul point and link between us. She told me to then withdraw it and hold unto it until the 90 days are over which begins on January 1st. Surprised that from what I was getting that she agreed to allow the 90 days to start on January 1st and yes. I did put that in the pact. I look forward to working with her directly for those next 90 days at the start of the new year. Let the games begin!


Oh nice, how come you chose Naamah to make a pact with? I’ve recently consecrated and charged a candle to use in future workings with her as Lilith introduced me to her along with the two other Queens Of Hell. Is your pact like a succubus/incubus situation or is it for something else? If you don’t mind me asking, I’m just interested in other practitioners experiences with her.

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I have found that perhaps the best way for me to advance in the Qlipothic Tree is to work directly with the spirit(s) in a pact. As I find myself having trouble of working on something(s) directly without something to keep me from falling out if you know what I mean. Naamah is the first Qlipha to encounter through the Dark Tree and I feel that this will help me greatly and I’ll perhaps be doing this through every Qlipha. It’ll take longer less but in the long run pay off even greater.

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From when I’ve been introduced to her by Lilith, I found her very playful and fun, she gave me boost of confidence and sort of urged me to be flirtatious and cheeky with others. I do know Naamah adores seductive music, whether your dancing in a friendly, fun way for her or attempting to gain her favor sexually (I’m gay so I’ve never done that) get dressed up in crimson/scarlet red, be inspired by Jezebel, be playful and have fun. That’s how she came across to me whenever I’ve crossed paths with her when I’ve been at Lilith’s side. Out of the her, Eishuth and Agrat, I think Naamah is the most willing to interact and make her presence known.


Right, and I think she definitely showed that because my candle sparked when I brought the pact to her and the night before. Thing is though, when I called upon her before via Qlipothic Invocations and Evocations something like that never happened before. Probably wasn’t ready just yet to begin that journey and needed to develop my skills more and this spark and acceptance of the pact is a sign that I’m ready to truly begin my journey to power. By the way; I also work directly with Lilith.

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Oh cool, Hail The Dark Lady Lilith! I praise thee!

Whenever I’m said a little prayer to Naamah sending her blessing and worship, I’ve found that she favours rose and saffron incense. And yay I love it when they communicate through a sizzling flame or a crackle!


Rose and saffron incense eh? I might have to invest in some of that when I get more dragon’s blood.

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Try it out and let me know what you think

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Will do!