Hey so I’m super new at this but I’ve just summoned Asmoday and he came with an owl headed god, who i thought was Belial but he doesn’t match his description…any ideas on who this is? He had a screechy hoarse voice with white noise feedback in the background when he spoke…
Perhaps Andras or Amon.
Could be Stolas? Stolas appears as an owl with very long legs (a bit like the legs of a stork), and wears a crown. I’ve no idea how he sounds when he speaks, he’s always silent with me, or communicates telepathically.
Bael is supposed to have a hoarsely voice… you should look into that.
Here’s a post i did about it, it’s #2
My first thought was andras.
Me and that guy haven’t had the best relationship.
If one only goes by the tomes there’s a few. Tbh, a spirit can appear as anything. Shit that could be Woodsy Owl demanding you give a hoot and don’t pollute!
Don’t get me wrong I like Andras but… He tends to lurk around too long after i summon him
Really? What was he up to??
Woodsy the owl is actually the best thing I’ve seen all day
Lol no idea. He was just watching me??? I kept seeing him in trees, lurking. Interesting
I get a weaker male land-spirit version of Athena.
Oo really Siconyte, what have you experienced with him? Asmoday was very harsh with me at first until I stood up for myself.
I called on him one time to learn about him, and he swung that fucking sword directly at my neck, effectively cutting my throat.
That pretty much taught me everything I really want to learn about that guy.
Andras is known for having an owl head. I’d be careful with him though as he’s not gentle to newbies.
Next time you converse with Asmodeus, I’d ask if it was him.